Unexpected Visitor

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Again, thank you very much @jamieamy46 for the creativity : )

You hug deeper into nat's chest. The final episode of brooklyn 99 ended. It was a shame because it was your and nat's favorite series. "How about baking cupcakes together?" Natasha asked. You were actually interested in that. "hmmm, sure." You got up and stretched. That was very nice until Nat suddenly tickled you in your stomach. "STOPP" You rolled on the floor laughing. Natasha herself couldn't stop laughing either. When you were finished laughing, you both heaved a deep sigh.


And after that you heard the team screaming downstairs. Even before you could think of what happenend Nat grabbed you by the arm and dragged you downstairs where the noise came from.

And then Natasha froze, staring at something. You followed her gaze to find a girl standing in the living room. Blonde hair, brown green eyes and a black suit. You were observing her when suddenly she walked towards you. "Yelena?" Nat said, still frozen. The girl just kept on walking towards you both. "Uhm Nat I think we need to get out of here." You didn't get a response. While the girl still walked towards you, you noticed she was going for Natasha. Since she didnt answer you or even moved you decided to walk towards the girl. "Uhm, I think you're in the wrong place here?" The girl looked at you with an empty gaze in her eyes. "I dont think so. If you give me Natalia Alianovna Romanova everything will be fine, if not.... there will be consequences."

Suddenly Tony walked towards you. "im afraid we can't do that...?" He left a sillence for the girl to introduce herself. "Yelena, now give me Natalia Alianovna Romanova before things get out of hand." Tony sighed before he said "As i said just about 20 seconds ago, we cant do that." He crossed his arms. "well okay then, i guess i gotta do it the hard way." Before anybody could react Yelena punched Tony in the face and Tony collapsed. Steve didnt think twice and jumped into the just started fight. Steve blocked a few punches but when it was Steves turn to attack Yelena she blocked it and punched Steve in the stomach and he flew across the room. And now it was you and Yelena. You were the first one to attack, sadly she blocked your punch but you also blocked hers, fair right? You two did this for 2 minutes when she finally hit you in the head. You felt yourself getting dizzy and fall to the ground.

Finally Natasha sprang into action. First she came to check up on you, and then she went to Yelena. Natasha didn't fight, she tried to talk. "Yelena, please, come back." Yelena looked at her. "I'm right here." And yelena punched her on the nose causing it to break. "Fucking hell Yelena." When Natasha closed her eyes for a split second Yelena went in for a second attack. And that's when Wanda joined the fight.

Suddenly Yelena was stuck in the air with a red glow around her and her hands tied. "Natasha, can I look into her mind?" Wanda asked. "Please do Wanda." Natasha answered.

While Wanda was busy with Yelena you stood up and went to Nat to check up on her if she was okay. "Hmm, probably just a broken nose." She said as if it was nothing. You helped Nat stand up and went to Wanda. After a few seconds Wanda looked into Nats eyes, with a concerned look. "She's in mind control." After a short silence, Natasha suddenly saw the light and knew what to do. She nodded at Wanda as a sign to let Yelena go.

When Yelena touched the ground with her feet, Natasha's mouth immediately formed the words "Widow stand down.". And Yelena stopped, her eyes on Natasha. All the avengers standing in the living room looked surprised at what was happening. "Widow follow me." Natasha turned and beckoned to Wanda and you to follow her too.

You all walked to Bruce's lab and tied Yelena to the bed that was there in case she came out of her trance. Bruce came running because Natasha had called him. She explained the whole situation and Bruce knew immediately what to do.

You were all allowed to stay in Bruce's lab. After about 30 minutes Bruce left you alone and not long after that Yelena woke up.

"Where the fuck am I?" Were the first words that formed her mouth. "In the avengers compound." Natasha answered not sure if Yelena was her normal self again. "You mean the stupid super hero squad like Captain America and Tony Stank?" Yelena sighed. You couldn't help but laugh at that statement.

"Shall I get some popcorn and drink so we can watch a movie here?" Wanda asked. "OMG YES POPCORN." Yelena and you said at the same time. Now Natasha was the one who couldn't help but laugh at how childish you were.

And after a while you were all crammed into a hospital bed watching Fleabag.

FIRST, I got to apologize for this taking an week to write. I had like 3 drafts for this and when I wanted to change something in the story, BOOM, i broke my finger so typing was not really an option. But i kept fighting 💪 (very dramatic i know) I just typed with my other fingers which i'm not really used to do so it took some more time. Okay that was my apology thank you. But i'm not done. I just wanted to say that. I am so very happy with the views, votes and reads this book has. I didn't even think this would get so many views when i started writing it. So a very big THANK YOU for everyone who reads this, votes and the ones that comment : ) So if anyone got an idea for the next part please put it in the comments ( even if you think it's a horrible idea; ) ) because i'm still out of ideas... See you in the next part!

Stay safe💕
Love y'all 3000💕

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2022 ⏰

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