She's dead [2]

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"Okay wait, so Yelena thinks I killed Natasha, and now she's coming after me?" You and Clint went to his safe house after you explained EVERYTHING. And that was a lot. But luckily he didn't panic or made a big deal out of it. "Yeah, that's what is going on at the moment. Where is your family?" You suddenly realized he had a family and you didn't want to put them all in danger. "They are far away from here, we were on a holiday, but then some guys started making trouble. I promised to be
home for Christmas, turns out I can't this year." "Don't worry, you'll be home by Christmas, I promise." Then there is a knock on the door. "I'll open up." You say to Clint. You walk to the door and you see Yelena at the door. You carefully open the door. "Yelena, please, let me explain it." "No, you can't, he killed MY SISTER." "BUT DID YOU EVER STOP TO THINK ABOUT HOW I FEEL YELENA, I MISS HER TOO, BUT I KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED." There was a silence. Yelena looked at you, she never stopped to think about how you felt. "I- I'm sorry, it just, I only got to see her when we were younger and just a few months earlier, and now she's gone..." Clint came to look, carefully. "Do you want me to explain it without killing Clint?" "I'd like to hear everything."

"So she gave up her life, to bring back half of the planet?" "Yes." Clint answered looking down at his hands. You could tell he missed her too. "Did you get everything back though? Your suit and the watch?" I asked, I totally forgot about that part. "Oh yeah, I think there is peace between the tracksuit maffia and me." And then, again, there was another knock on the door. "I'll get it." You said while standing up from your chair. As you walked through the door, you saw a few people at the door. As you opened it they asked: "Is Clint Barton here?" You turned your head around to call Clint, but then everything went black.

As you woke up later, you were tied up in a chair, just like everyone else. And with that I mean Clint and Yelena. "Give me the Rolex, or we will kill one of you." Someone said, you closed your eyes for a split second, you felt dizzy. "Why do you need it?" You heard it was Clint. "We need the information." You could feel your gun under your shirt, just needed to get your hands out. Everyone was talking and you had no idea what they were talking about. But slowly, you could get your hands out. No one was watching you, you slowly grabbed your gun. You closed your eyes, took a deep breath, and started shooting. Hit, another hit, and another one. After a few seconds everyone was laying dead on the floor, except one, she was a real pro. She got you out of your chair and held a gun to your head. Yelena and Clint were also out of the chair and Yelena pointed the gun at the woman. "Give me the goddamn Rolex." You and Yelena were signing to eachother, you would die, and after that Yelena would kill the girl, everything could work out, you'd die anyways. "One last chance Barton, give me the Rolex." "SAY NO." You shouted to him. "You'll die, don't y/n." Clint said, you could hear the pain in his voice. "Alright then, I'll kill you." You could hear the shot, but it was not in your head, in your stomach. You hear another shot, this time the woman fell down. You did it, you saved them. Yelena and Clint came running to you. "No, no, no, no, please y/n, hang on." Yelena said shaking with tears in her eyes. "Hey, it's okay." You said, but it was also hard for you, to leave everything behind, this amazing life, your amazing friends. "Thanks    y/n, you shouldn't have done this for me." Clint said to you. A tear falls from his cheek. "Oh it's nothing, you're welcome." You said, winking to them. "Its all apart of the journey, in the end." And that's when you took your last breath. You could finally be with Natasha.

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