Wisdom Teeth

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"Can't we just go home? Chill on the couch?" You were slumped in the passenger seat, you had to go to the dentist, and that is terrible. "No, now you can't get out of it." Natasha said with a grin. Normally you don't mind going to the dentist, but this time it wasn't a check-up, your wisdom teeth had to be pulled out. "But imagine they pull out the wrong one, then what?" You asked, startled at the thought when that happened. "They really know what they're doing, they're professionals. And you're probably not the only one who needs to get your wisdom teeth pulled. It'll be over in a few minutes, don't worry." She did say it like it was nothing, and maybe it calmed you down a bit, but you still dreaded it. After staring ahead all the way, we arrived at the building.

You got out of the car and Natasha was already walking towards the entrance. You were still by the car. It took a while before Natasha realized that you weren't walking along but that you were still standing where you got off. "Are you really going to stand there all the time?" If you could, you thought. "It's really not that bad, believe me." Reluctantly, you walked towards Natasha, who held out her hand for you to hold.

You walked into the waiting room. The moment you sat down on the chairs, a crying boy and his mother entered the waiting room from the dentist's room. "See, it wasn't that bad, was it? Now your wisdom teeth are out, shall we get an ice cream at MacDonald's then?" The boy immediately stopped crying when he heard the word McDonalds. "Mrs. Y/n and Mrs. Natasha? You can come."

With trembling legs you walked into the room, luckily Natasha was there too. You had to sit on the chair. He put a needle in your mouth, for a moment you felt a sting of pain, but it was soon over. After about five minutes, the dentist said it was ready. Actually, it wasn't that bad. You had made a new appointment and walked back to the car, ready to go home. "I said it wasn't that bad, didn't I?" Somehow she was right. "But can we still go to the McDonalds?" You asked Natasha. She laughed and nodded her head. "Alright then."

Look who decided to make new parts again? Okay this part is kinda short but at least I wrote something. That's the least I could do. I just need to get into the writing again lol. Anyways if you've got any ideas for new parts, DM me :) Anyways i'm planning to post more and not being lazy for four months 😀

See ya in the next chapter bitchesss ;)

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