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Thanks to @jamieamy46 for the idea : )

"Okay, sit down and I'll get you out of the car." said Natasha. While you were chilling in your room ten minutes ago, you were suddenly blindfolded in the car. You heard the car door open. "Don't look, it's a surprise." You felt a hand in yours that helped you get out of the car. "How could I even look with two cloths wrapped around my eyes?" You heard her laugh. The car door slammed shut and the car was locked. "Okay watch out there's a step here." She said as she gently pushed you forward. You heard the birds chirping and smelled nature. After about two minutes of walking you stopped. "We are here!" Natasha said as she took the two cloths off you. At first your eyes had to get used to the bright sunlight that shone, but soon after you saw a pleed with all kinds of food, a picnic. "Nat! You didn't have to do this!" You said as you gave her a hug. When you let her go you saw her blush. "I just wanted to do it. Well come on let's sit down, I didn't put that down for nothing." she chuckled.

After sitting for a while, a group of boys arrived. "Hey beautiful ladies, is there still room for us?" Nat took a deep breath before saying "No." in a rather irritated tone. "Calm down, lady, it was just a question." Laughed the boy who was teasingly pushed by the boys to irritate us further. "You there" the boy pointed to you "would you like to go to the bar tonight, just you with us." Ew. "No thanks." You said. "Awh come on now, it will probably be nice beautiful." He still tried. Before you could say anything else, Nat said, "She said no, so could you please leave us alone now." The boys looked at each other and laughed out loud. "Awhh, don't you like that we're here?" The boy said in a teasing tone. "If you don't go now, you'll be asking for mercy later." Natasha said much more seriously now. A boy approached you and touched your shoulder. "Do not touch her." Natasha said, her eyes like knives on the boy. "Haha, or what." The boy looked back at the group of boys. Before he looked back, he was punched in the face and tackled by Natasha. "I won't ask again, leave us alone." Before Natasha could do anything, the boy ran away with the whole group. She looked back at you. "Are you okay?" she asked concerned. "Sure, he didn't hurt me or anything. Can we go back to the compound?" You asked. "Yeah, good idea, it's getting cold."

Together you cleaned up your belongings and walked back to the car. "I really really liked it Nat." Said you on the way back to the compound. "That's good to hear." she said as she grabbed and held your hand.

Once you both arrived in the compound, you immediately walked to your room to watch a series with Natasha. Brooklyn 99 it was. While you were lying in bed, hugging each other, Natasha suddenly said "Did you know that I love you very much?" "Sure I know that dumbass." Oops, that's not what I wanted to say. "What did you call me?" She asked shocked. Your head slipped under the covers. "Nothing." You chuckled. Suddenly felt fingers tickeling your stomach, something you really can't stand. "You're a dumbass." Natasha smirked as you couldn't stop laughing.

I really like writing again 😩 I hope y'all like the things I write though.. Anyways if any of you got any ideas just comment them or DM me, it makes it easier for me because I don't really know what to write 😻

Stay safe 💕
Love y'all 3000💕

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