Gone - 1

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3rd Person POV

(Y/n) Stark had gone the beginning of her young life single.  But that was before she met Natasha Romanoff, the gorgeous redheaded former assassin.

The two had met when Natasha was undercover in Stark Industries back in 2010.  Natasha had instantly found an attraction to the younger Stark and (Y/n) couldn't take her eyes off Natasha - Natalie - at the time. 

It wasn't until the end of the whole predicament with Hammer that (Y/n) had learned the redhead's true identity - Natasha Romanoff.  (Y/n) had been the one to have enough courage to ask Natasha out on their first date. Natasha had smiled a little at (Y/n)'s nervousness and agreed. 

Four years later, the two were still going strong, and Tony had no idea that the two young women were in a relationship.     

(Y/n) glances over from beside her father, meeting her redhead's gaze.  Natasha's eyes glimmer, and (Y/n) beams at the little dog resting in her lap.         

Natasha was the one who had gotten (Y/n) the Australian Shepherd for Christmas when they had returned to their shared apartment half an hour away from the Compound. 

Scout - the Australian Shepherd puppy - raises her head and nuzzles (Y/n)'s chin.  Scout's tail wags happily, and she jumps off the younger Stark's lap and streaks over to Natasha and Wanda - who were sitting on the same couch.

Wanda was very much fond of her mentor.  Scout yips excitedly, and Natasha raises an eyebrow at the puppy but does lean forward and pick up the shepherd, Wanda petting the dog. 

Steve walks into the room, his brow furrowed when he announces to the Avengers in the room, "We have a mission!" 

"Who?" Tony asks, his gaze shifting to the Capsicle. 

"Everyone," Steve replies, and (Y/n) frowns, her face turning grim at the thought of her love, father, and best friend leaving to go on yet another dangerous mission.  The other Avengers scramble around, grabbing their mission suits and their mission gear. 

(Y/n) had walked down to the workshops where there were a few Iron Man suits that needed repairing. 

"Are you going to be alright?" Natasha asks softly, walking up to her girlfriend.  (Y/n) nods, though a soft scowl is still prominent on her face.  Natasha softens, letting her fingers stroke between (Y/n)'s eyebrows, and frown slides off (Y/n)'s face.  (Y/n) smiles endearingly at her girlfriend, her gaze gentle. 

"Be careful," (Y/n) says softly, the other Avengers walking through the workshop. She waits until the rest of her friends cross into the other room before she places a soft kiss on Natasha's lips. "I love you," she murmurs. "Come home safe."  "I will," Natasha replies, her eyes soft and loving. 

Scout lets out a soft bark, and Natasha leans down to caress the puppy on the head.  Natasha straightens back up and (Y/n) turns, placing the new prototype of Natasha's Widow's Bites onto her girlfriend's wrists. 

"Please be careful," (Y/n) repeats, and Natasha nods calmly, used to (Y/n)'s worry - as (Y/n) wasn't an Avenger but an inventor like her father.  "I'll come home to you," Natasha murmurs, and (Y/n) smiles warmly. 

"Coming, Nat?" Clint pokes his head into the workshop.  "Yeah," Natasha jogs over to her old friend.  "Good luck," (Y/n) calls after the two.  The Avengers board the Quinjet, and (Y/n) remains in the workshop with Scout.      

Suddenly, the power turns off, and Scout whimpers and shrinks to stand behind (Y/n).  (Y/n) stands still for a moment, her eyes adjusting to the lack of light; it is almost pitch black. 

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