Gone - 2

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So in this story there are some words where Steve would say : "LANGUAGE" So I covered them up for you ;) enjoy!

Previously on Gone: 

Natasha had gone slightly hysterical, snarking at everyone who tried to convince her to leave the room, but Tony doesn't try.

After a moment, the emerald-eyed former assassin glances over to look at her love's father.  "Here," is the only thing Tony says as he hands his friend a peanut butter sandwich. 

"Thanks, Tony," Natasha says softly, taking a bite of the sandwich. "You here to help look for (Y/n)?"  There is another pause.

And Tony murmurs, "And to see a friend."  "Clearly, your friend is fine," Natasha says, taking a bit of her sandwich, her eyes welling with tears again. 

Natasha can tell by Tony's silence that he wants to ask her a question, but he doesn't. Tony pats her on the shoulder comfortingly before he leaves the room. 

3rd Person POV

Natasha had taken to sleeping on (Y/n)'s side of the bed in their shared apartment, her arms wrapped around (Y/n)'s pillow, wanting some part of her love back to her. 

A few days after (Y/n) had gone missing, Scout, who usually wasn't allowed on the bed, is whimpering in her sleep, and Natasha slides off the bed. 

"You miss Mom, eh, girl?" Natasha murmurs, lying down beside the puppy on the floor.  Scout lets out another soft whimper, and Natasha softens, running her hand down the puppy's back softly. 

Natasha gets to her feet, gently picks up the dog, and settles back into bed, this time letting Scout rest her head on Natasha's chest. 

Scout's whimpers finally stop, the small dog listening to the steady beat of Natasha's heart.  This is continuous, Scout usually whimpering softly every night, and Natasha couldn't blame the puppy as she felt like her entire heart had been ripped from her chest. 

Three Months Later 

(Y/n) Stark chokes back a wail of agony as the knife blade drags down her arm again, crossing other healing cuts. Said cuts split open, and a warm, sticky substance - (Y/n) vaguely acknowledges as her own blood - leaks down her arm. 

(Y/n)'s eyes begin to close, but a bucket of water thrown on her makes her eyes flash open, and another flood of agony shoots through her. 

"Come on, you bi**h!" a man yells, and (Y/n)'s wide, fearful eyes flash up to meet the man's.

"Build me the f***ing suit!"  "No," (Y/n) croaks, her throat sore from the lack of use. "I won't do anything for you." 

(Y/n) is fading in and out of consciousness now, and as her eyes close, she regards the red object in the man's hands warily. 

(Y/n) soon realizes that she had the correct assumption to be wary of the red object because the man starts beating her with it. 

Agony blazes through (Y/n), and this time, it's worse than before. Something registers in the back of (Y/n)'s consciousness - fire extinguisher - but all thought leaves her as the supposed fire extinguisher slams into both sets of her ribs, her left shoulder, and both of her legs. 

This time, the screams of pain do leave her, and the man laughs maniacally.  The last thing that runs through (Y/n)'s subconscious before she passes out is - Natasha! - and she sees a flash of red hair. 

The Black Widow bursts into the room, her emerald orbs burning with fury.  Natasha's gaze falls on (Y/n)'s broken, battered body lying slumped against the wall and the man standing over her, a fire extinguisher still clutched in his hand. 

Natasha Romanoff is a shadow as she darts through the darkened room. 

Silently, the woman grabs one of the pipes on the ground and slams it into the back of the perpetrator's head.  And, with that, the man falls to the ground, cradling his bleeding head in his hands. 

Steve enters the room next to find Natasha crouching beside (Y/n), her blazing eyes extinguished to be replaced with orbs of wide-eyed worry. 

Natasha presses her fingers to (Y/n)'s neck in an attempt to find her love's pulse and lets out a sigh of relief to find one there - though it is faint.  (Y/n)'s eyes open a fraction and she reaches up with her uninjured hand to touch Natasha's cheek tenderly.  "I knew you would come for me," (Y/n) croaks, tears welling in her (E/c) orbs. 

"I'll always come for you," Natasha murmurs, in return, her emerald gaze meeting (Y/n)'s tear-filled eyes. 

Natasha's gaze leaves (Y/n)'s to study (Y/n)'s injuries.  Both of the woman's legs are clearly broken, and her shoulder definitely had to be dislocated, as well as a few ribs - at least bruised, if not worse. 

Steve makes his way over to (Y/n) and looks the battered woman up and down, taking the extent of (Y/n)'s injuries as well. 

"I promise I didn't tell them anything," (Y/n) murmurs, her eyes staying glued to Natasha's emerald orbs.  "It's okay," Natasha replies, her voice gentle, and she whispers words of comfort as she lifts her injured girlfriend despite (Y/n)'s pained cries of protest. 

"I'm sorry hun, but we've got to get you home," Natasha says softly. "Scout and little Morgan need you." 

"Morgan?" (Y/n) asks through gritted teeth as her girlfriend lies her on a stretcher in one of the Quinjets.  "Your little sister," Natasha says, squeezing (Y/n)'s right hand as the young stark shifts uncomfortably as the Quinjet lifts into the air.

"Her name is going to be Morgan, after -"  "Pepper's uncle," (Y/n) finishes.

"Natasha!" (Y/n) squeezes Natasha's hand weakly. "I-I want that with you," the woman says, her voice soft. 

Natasha's eyes close momentarily, her heart soaring and she lifts (Y/n)'s hand, kissing the back in acknowledgment. "I do too, love, but we have to get you home first. Get you healed up."

The Quinjet arrives back at the Compound, and Natasha and Steve wheel the stretcher down to the Med Bay past Tony, Wanda, and Scout - who is being held by Wanda.

The Aussie lifts her head and lets out a bark of joy as she catches sight of (Y/n). 

The Med team forces the four Avengers out of the Med Bay.  "Thank you, Natasha," Tony says softly, embracing the redhead.  "It was no problem," Natasha replies, taking Scout from Wanda's arms.

"Believe me when I tell you that I needed her back even more than you know."  Tony nods. "I should go tell Pepper that (Y/n)'s home." 

"I wouldn't bring Pepper down here just yet," Natasha advises. "Don't want to stress her out. Wait until (Y/n)'s a little better."  Steve goes off with Tony and Wanda remains with her mentor. 

"Will she be alright?" Wanda asks and Natasha scratches behind Scout's ears.  "I hope so," the redhead replies, her heart aching with hope.

Only 2 parts left to go. Who's excited? It might sound crazy, but I am. I just can't say it enough that I love you all so so so so much. All of you. And I want YOU yes YOU to know that and not forget that. And if you do, I'll say it in every story I post it so you will not forget ;)

Love you all 3000💕
Stay safe💕

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