"Tonight the music seems so loud"

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You're singing with headphones on.

"Tonight the music seems so loud. I wish that we could loose this crowd. Maybe, it's better this way. We'd hurt each other with the things we want to say. We could have been so good together." You are swinging around while singing the song. Nothing to worry about. Absolutely nothing. And then, Natasha comes in. "Well hello." You say while taking your headphones off. "I liked it."  She said, while standing in the door frame with her arms crossed. "What did you like? Breakfast? Yeah me too." "No not breakfast silly. You when you were singing. Do you have another song?" "Uh, yeah of course, let me take a look." You went through your Spotify playlist. "But I'm not gonna sing you know that?" You said while scrolling through your Spotify playlist with more then 598 songs on it. "That is okay, I just want to know what kinda music you like." She steps into your room. "Ah, I found one. Listen to this." It was the song Send My Love To Your New Lover by Adele. "Hmm, I like it, do you have an other song?" "Hmmm, yep, here." You clicked on the song The Night We Met. You put the music a bit louder. While the song was playing you were swinging a little bit. You grabbed Natasha's arm and you both danced for the whole night long.

NATASHA ROMANOFF IMAGINESOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz