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"Stand still, Y/N." Natasha laughed.  "Well sorry, but it's kind of hard to be still when i'm holding a tiny child that won't stop squirming. It would be much easier if she didn't have to be in the picture," You retorted. 

"The whole point of this picture is for the baby to be in it."  You sighed. For some reason you had agreed to babysit for a family friend and to make things easier on yourself, you asked Natasha to babysit with you, turns out she had taken quite a liking to Charlotte and wanted to take a picture of you and her together for "memories". She'd even mentioned having one with you one day and winked when you rolled your eyes, trying to contain a smile.

"Are you almost done?" You asked.  With the sound of a click, a light flashed in your eyes, blinding you for a moment.  "Yep." Natasha smiled. "Aw, Y/N look at how cute she is! And you too, of course."  You got up from the couch and brought the giggling baby with you. Natasha turned the camera towards you so that you could see the picture better.  "Okay, maybe she isn't that bad," You admitted.  Charlotte reached out a tiny hand to touch the camera and squealed.  "Oh my god, Y/N. I'm going to die that was so adorable, I physically cannot handle this anymore." Natasha placed the camera down and reached to grab Charlotte from you.  You handed her over and watched as she bounced Charlotte and made faces at her. 

"Do we have to give her back?" Natasha looked up at you and pouted, tickling the baby the whole time.  "You never told me you like kids so much." You laughed.  "Well to be honest I didn't know that I did before today. But seriously, I don't want to give her back."  "If you really like her that much then we can offer to babysit for Charlotte's parents on the weekends."  "Yes please." Natasha grinned ear to ear. 

***  For the past hour Natasha had been completely consumed with the baby, never putting her down. She even fell asleep in Natasha's arms for a bit. At every nearly unnoticeable movement or tiny noise Charlotte made, Natasha looked down at her to make sure she was okay. Though you would never admit it, seeing Natasha care for a baby was probably one of the cutest things in the world. 

But, currently the two of you were trying to figure out how to change a diaper.  "Look, Y/N! I think I figured it out!" Natasha lifted Charlotte up to show you her work.  "Thank god. I was starting to think we'd never get a diaper on her."  The baby squirmed and giggled as Natasha held her out towards you.  "Do you think she needs food?" You asked.  "I don't know, how often do babies eat?"  "Uhhhh. I have no idea. I mean, it can't hurt to feed her."  "Yeah, I guess so. I'll go get the food, you put her in the high chair."

You took Charlotte into your arms and walked over to the high chair, placing her in it.  She made noises of protest, letting you know that she did in fact not want to be put down and after a minute of trying to calm her down, Natasha walked back into the room holding baby food and a small spoon. 

You were surprised to see that her presence immediately hushed the crying baby.  "How did you do that?" You asked, as Natasha kneeled down in front of the high chair and opened the jar containing Charlotte's lunch.  "Do what?" She asked, dipping the spoon into the green mush and prompting the baby to open her mouth.  "She was screaming and then you walked in and she stopped."  "I guess she's taken a liking to me." Natasha turned and grinned at you, wiping a bit of food off of Charlotte's mouth.

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