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During the battle of New York against the Chitauri Loki had summoned from outer space, some of the Chitauri went as far to attack escaping citizens.

Although the Avengers did whatever trick or plan they had between their hands to stop them from breaking the city apart, there was far too many of them and more and more were spilling from the scar found in the sky. 

"Need a little help here." Captain America grunted as he punched one of the Chitauri square in the face, or what looked like a face after knocking one of them off of a bridge. 

"We're all busy here." Natasha puffed angrily, kicking another Chitauri off its feet before displacing his head from his neck. It almost seemed that the Chitauri are infinite, and the Avengers were making no progress in this war. 

Side by side, the Avengers continued on fighting those merciless aliens until Natasha stopped dead in her spot after her ears heard a blood shrilling scream coming from the other end of the street. 

"What's wrong?" Iron Man asked, blasting an alien away before it laid a hand on Natasha. 

"Be right back." She muttered, dashing to the other end as fast as she can to help whoever was in need. As much as she wanted to help the victim. She was too late. She arrived just in time to witness who must be two parents, she concluded, being slaughtered in front of their own three or four year old daughter while trying to protect her and usher her to safety. 

Their daughter was crying her eyes out, staring at her two lights fading from her life as they tried to assure her that everything will be okay if she just hid somewhere safe. But these words were not working.

The young girl picked up a broken pipe lying around, hardly balancing herself and began swinging it rapidly at the aliens while hot tears streamed down her cheeks. 

That little bit of a scene triggered a few gears of old memories in Natasha's head, rolling some fragments of days she had lived in when she saw herself in the young child. But it only lasted for a mere second and she didn't let it faze her objective. 

The aliens didn't seem to consider her as a threat but advanced in order to make the traumatized young soul meet her fate too.

But Natasha wasted no time and plunged at the Chitauri, the poor little one witnessing how she forced the aliens in meeting their fated deaths with swift, composed, thought-out moves before cradling the little child's weeping form in her arms and running with her to safety as the other Avengers continued on fighting in this war. 

"Hey, hey, it's okay." Natasha comforted the curled child in her arms, wiping away tears from her cheeks only to be in vain since hot new ones left her blood-shot eyes.

"What's your name, Little One?" She smiled warmly down at her to calm her down. 

She looked up at the assassin with wet eyes after toning down her cries. "(Y/N)." She choked back a sob. 

That day, Natasha took it upon herself to take the orphaned girl under her wing and raise you as her own child. 

Days passed after the battle of New York and the young (Y/N) was settled to live in the Avengers Tower among the other where it was an unspoken agreement between them.

It took days for (Y/N) to recover from what she had witnessed before her eyes but gradually opened up with the Avengers but one where their relationship was slightly rigid. 

Whenever Natasha entered a room (Y/N) was occupying, she always seemed to sneak her way out of the room or tried to hold up a kids version conversation with another member of the Avengers. Until one day, the solidness between her and Natasha broke while playing hide and seek the Avengers way with everybody. 

"I am (Y/N) of Earth, and I am burdened with glorious purpose!" (Y/N) shouted loud enough for everyone living in the tower to hear. "I am coming!" 

Sprinting down the hallways with her little feet and green with gold cloak hanging around her neck, (Y/N) came across a large suspicious-looking vase. While inspecting it, a loud sneeze came from the inside which shook her to her feet but nonetheless checked on the source. 

"Found you, Tony!" She laughed, poking Tony's chest with the golden scepter she had in her tiny hand. "You are under my control!" 

"Yeah, I am." Tony smiled down at her before ushering her to a nearby room. "Let's go find the others!" He encouraged. 

When Tony flicked the lights on, (Y/N)'s wide eyes spotted Steve crouched under a bed which was hovering just a little above land lever due to his muscles. 

"Found you!" She chimed, poking Steve's chest with the scepter after he got up from under the bed. "You're under my control, too!" she crossed her arms with a proud smirk. 

"Aw, Tony! Why'd you do that?" Steve groaned, dusting himself off of dust.

"She's my friend." Tony smiled. 

"So am I." Steve pouted playfully. "Now let's go find the others." 

And as the little army (Y/N) had created went around the tower, recruiting more of the Avengers to their group, they came across the fearless assassin, Natasha Romanoff, also known as, Black Widow.

She stared down at the five members of (Y/N) army before laying her eyes on their leader,  (Y/N). She smiled a wicked smile after unsheathing plastic knives from her utility belt. 

"Run." Clint whispered before sprinting down the hall with Tony, Steve, Thor, and Bruce following after. 

"Uh-oh." (Y/N)  muttered before running after her coward traitors while laughing. She looked over her shoulder only to see Natasha plunging at her, laughing along. 

A long day had been spent playing around with the Avengers, the best family (Y/N) could have ever wished for. But all these activities had drained (Y/N)'s energy and her bed time was around now. So, after diner, Natasha picked her up and headed to her bed room with (Y/N) yawning in her arms. 

After tucking (Y/N) in her bed, Natasha stood back up to leave the room. "NO!" (Y/N) wailed as she started to sob quietly. "Don't go!" 

"You know they're not coming back." Natasha assured, walking back to the bed. She placed a hand on top of (Y/N)'s head and started to brush off some strands of hair from her face. (Y/N) looked at her with hopeful eyes as Natasha comforted her. "They won't hurt you as long as we're by your side."

"Alright. Good night, mommy." (Y/N) yawned, eyes slowly shutting off. Natasha was taken aback by the sudden name (Y/N) called her by but, nevertheless, smiled wholeheartedly and placed a good night kiss on her forehead. 


After spending days with Natasha, having some of her traits and habits rub on the little (Y/N),  (Y/N) snuck to Tony's laboratory and took one of Iron Man's suits before plucking off one of its arms and started playing with its settings.

After toying with two buttons or three, she accidentally blasted the whole laboratory along with Tony's years of studies papers, other suits, and many other laboratory essentials and Tony's personal belongings.

The Avengers quickly hurried to wherever the blast came from, fearing it might be another war with another new enemy but when they reached the destined point, they needed some seconds to comprehend what had happened. 

"That's my girl!" Natasha cheered before picking her up and heading with her to a bathroom to clean the black smoke from her smeared face. 

"MY LIFE!" Tony shrieked before collapsing on his knees in front of his burnt blue prints, damaged apparatuses, and scattered tools. 

"Your friend, huh?" Steve smirked mischievously as he leaned on the door frame, arms crossed.

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