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Felix stood up from the wall and signed before walking away. He walked to the kitchen, when the maids saw him, they bowed.

Felix: Make something for me and for my wife please.

Maid: Yes my King.

They continued they work and made something for him and for the Queen. He turned away from the kitchen and walked outside and went to the garden. He sat on the bench and signed. He heard footsteps behind him. Making him slowly turn around and saw it was Valinrina. He just looked at her emotionless but his eyes held all the emotions. His tears leaving his eyes showed everything. His every tears showed every pain and emotion. Valinrina felt her heart break into million pieces. She walked up to him and sat beside him.

Valinrina: I know you're hurting my love. You are in a painful situation. You lost a baby. You and your wife did. That's a hard situation which I won't be able to handle if I was in your place. I understand you want some space. You and Rheyna do. But everybody is worried about you. Worried about you and Rheyna.

Felix: *Scoffs* So now you all are worried? Please mother...I don't need pity. I need time for myself and for Rheyna. I appreciate your concerns but I don't appreciate you all lying and pretending to worry.

Valinrina: *Sigh* I know you're hurt, I understand that-

Felix: No you don't. You do not understand me at all. Not you. Not father. Not King Dante and Halia or anybody could understand the pain that I feel. I lost a child. A baby of mine. You don't understand the pain I feel when i lost my baby. You don't. You don't....

Felix said as he turned his head away and sniffled. Valinrina signed heavily. She moved closer to him. She lifted her hand and hesitated but she placed her hand on his head.

Valinrina: Losing a family member is like losing an important thing to you. Losing a baby is the most painful thing a parent can't handle. It's like...way too painful that your heart will burst out of pain and shock. I am so sorry that you lost your baby Felix. I was truly shocked when i heard the news that your child is dead. I knew you would broken and devastated. I understand. I understand that your heart has been broken and your world crashed down.

Felix: Not just mines. But Rheyna's too. Especially her. I'm worried. She hasn't spoken a single word. She's just looking at the wall looking so emotionless. She must be so hurt. I should've been there, I should've been faster. I didn't get to save her because I was too late. All I saw was her on the ground and the man was on of her and stabbed her back. Luckily before he could stab her one more, I managed to kill him. But it was too late. This is all my fault. I never should've bought her with me. This shouldn't have happened. Why am I still stupid? Stupid stupid idiot! I'm an idiot!

He hit his head with his hands and Valinrina took those hands and she intertwined it with hers.

Valinrina: Felix, my son. You are no idiot. You are not stupid. You are brave, and strong. You were just late, you didn't get there in time but you still saved her life-

Felix: But I didn't get to save my baby's life! I lost my baby!

Valinrina: But you do know there's nothing wrong in starting again right? Start a fresh start.

Felix: Easy for you to say. But it's hard for me to do it. She can't even talk to me. She is numb. Have you seen her? She is dead on the inside! And I want the old Rheyna back to me but how am I gonna do that after all that's happened?

Valinrina: Felix. I know I don't have the rights to say this but, it's you and her now. This is a challenge for you and your wife to fight against. This painful and hard challenge, is for you and for your wife. You just have to fight back. You, are my son. The son of King Arthur Ackerman and the son of Queen Valinrina Morton. You have the blood to fight against hard challenges. You have done it before, and you can do it again. But this time, be much stronger. Because Rheyna, has no one by her side, it's only you and her. And she needs you.

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