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Felix opened the bedroom door and closed it for privacy since he was going to have a whole day thinking. He signed and opened the bottle of wine before pouring it to a glass wine cup. He placed the wine bottle to where it was and bringing the cup to his lips before sipping. He signed and slowly paced around the room. This isn't good. He needs to come up with a solution fast. You must be thinking that he's being over reacting, too paranoid. No. Because he's scared, he's scared of what might happen to Rheyna when he's not there with her. This must mean one thing. He needs to stay with her 24/7. If he doesn't want anything to happen to her. Everything has been getting weird and serious. First, the papers, then this.

Wait. Speaking of the papers, he wonders what they are.

Felix: Ugh! Give me a break!

He placed the wine cup down and sat on the bed, rubbing his tired eyes and hurting head. But there is one thing he's curious about, who was this guy's leader? He flinched when he heard the door open. He immediately looked behind him with his guard on but he sighed in relief when it was his father Arthur.

Arthur: Did I scare you?

Felix: A little bit.

Arthur: You seem distressed. What's the matter?

Felix: Nothing father.

Arthur: 'Nothing'? Is it really nothing?

Felix: Yes....

Arthur: You sound unsure my son. C'mon you can tell me. Maybe I can help.

Felix: I...*sigh* Fine you win and yes there is something bothering me.

Arthur: Speak up then.

Felix: It's just... I've been worrying. You do know about the man who tried to attempt to kill us right?

Arthur: You told that before so yes.

Felix: I-I'm scared father. What if... She's gonna be their target? What if she'll be in danger? I'm scared. This man... He tried to kill us last night.

Arthur: Okay calm down first. First of all, where is he now?

Felix: He escaped father.

Arthur: What?

Felix: Someone must've broke in and helped him escape. The rascal even killed our guards.

Arthur: What are you gonna do now?

Felix: To be honest I don't know. I don't know and I need help.

Arthur: Wait, you said that she might be the target right?

Felix: Yeah?

Arthur: Then you need to be with her just in case something bad happens.

Felix: That's what I've been thinking. But what about the others? I can't keep them all safe I need somebody on my side too.

Arthur: You don't have to mind them. Mind yourself and your wife.

Felix: I can't just not mind them. I'm the King, it's my job to protect them-

Arthur: You're the King. And it's your job to kill the enemies and save the innocents. Some of them may die, but you will be here to take revenge for them. They know they deaths won't go in vain.

Felix: I can't help but worry.

Arthur: Calm down. Everything will be okay.

He said before leaving. Felix signed and drank the wine and signed softly.


The whole Kingdom was quiet. The maids, servants, cooks were all asleep. Felix and Rheyna was sleeping peacefully on their bed. But Felix couldn't sleep. He kept tossing around the bed but just can't find sleep. He signed angrily before sitting up and rubbing his temples. He leaned onto his hand and just stared at the wall. He got out the covers and went to the bathroom and lit up the candles before removing his pants since he was shirtless then moving to the bathtub that was filled with cold water. Cold water relaxes his mind and his soul. Sure the hot water and the warm water is okay for him but for his opinion, cold water is the best. He signed in satisfaction before closing his eyes to relax. He let his body relax under the cold water. Letting his hair flow with the water. He looked at the window in front of him. It showed the big moon. Millions of stars glimmering in the sky.

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