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Felix got back to his castle. And he got off Sora and fed her and gave her water and then left her to rest. He got inside the castle and he signed. He went to the kitchen and he smelled a nice smell of food. He sniffed the air and followed the scent leading him to the kitchen where he saw the table filled with food and desserts. He saw many maids continuing their job, too busy to even notice his presence. He decided to let them work and go upstairs to his room to bath and get changed. When he got up to his room he was about to open the door and enter when he heard a soft singing voice in the room. Although it was muffled, it still sounded very beautiful. He leaned his ear on the door and listened. On the other side of the door, Rheyna was sitting on the sofa with her Harp instrument and running her finger tips creating a beautiful harmony sound.

He closed his eyes and listened to her voice. Then finally decided to open the door and enter. He opened the door and he saw her stop her singing and look at him. He smiled and she smiled back softly before clearing her throat. He closed the door behind him and went to the sofa and sit down behind her since she was sitting down and facing her Harp. He leaned in and kissed her exposed shoulder, he nuzzled his face in her neck and breathed her scent. She felt her body lit on fire and she felt hot. His breath hitting her skin. He wrapped arms around her, clearly back hugging her while her finger still remains on the strings of her Harp.

Felix: You have a beautiful voice my love.

Rheyna: *Chuckles* Really? Thank you.

Felix: Continue singing. I wanna hear your voice.

Rheyna: I-I'm shy...

She muttered cutely and whispered hoping he didn't hear it but he did heard it clearly. Making him chuckle on her neck. He laid a kiss on her neck and shoulder then rested his cheek on her shoulder.

Felix: Just think that I'm not here.

Rheyna: Okay...

She whispered and cleared her throat. She started to hum at first then started to sing. She was singing in opera style. Well maybe she was an opera singer. But anyway, her voice just sounds so beautiful. Her voice is so smooth and soft. Her high notes, hitting the perfect pitch. Then she started to sing in English to which he can understand finally.

To the north wind
And sees the sea
There's a mother
Holding her baby
Peacefully sleeping safe and sound
For the mother, her love is found

In the rivers
Deep and true
Like a mother's true love for you
Come here darling
Dive deep down
But not too far or you'll be drowned

Yes she will sing to those who will hear
And in her song, the magic flows
But can you face what you most fear?
Can you face what the water knows?

From the north wind
It meets the sea
There's a river
Full of memory
Come here darling
Homeward bound
When her love is lost
It will be found

She ends the song with a few sounds of her Harp playing. He signed deeply and hugged her tight.

Felix: That was beautiful. What's the meaning behind the song?

Rheyna: A mother who truly loves her child. Her baby is her world. They live somewhere near a river, and that river, is the witness to her never ending love for her child.

Felix: So is the Is there a goddess watching them?

Rheyna: Close. A water goddess watches them, the river represents the mother's love. Deep, and true. It's love.

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