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Everyone was having dinner. They were all eating in silence. Their utensils clashing against the plates. Making noises. Everyone was enjoying except for one person. Felix was only poking the food, not eating. He didn't have the appetite to eat. After what he had just saw I don't think he can eat. Not when he saw all the blood. Rheyna noticed he was silent, and not eating.

Rheyna: Felix?

Felix flinched and snapped out of his thoughts.

Felix: Yeah?

Rheyna: Why are you not eating?

Felix: Uhh...

All eyes were on him now.  Making him feel small and nervous.

Felix: I just...don't feel well. I'm not hungry.

Valinrina: Why? Do you want something else?

Felix: No. I'm just not hungry. Can I go to my room please?

Arthur: Sure. Have a rest.

Felix nodded and smiled. He stood up from his seat and went near Rheyna's seat and kissed her on the cheeks and temple. The sudden act made her blush tense still. He smirked and proceeded to walk to their room. She was still tensed. Her face so red. Arthur laughed at her face.

Arthur: He's unpredictable sometimes huh?

Rheyna: Huh? Ah yes... He could be unpredictable.

She said. Arthur laughed and continued to eat. She smiled and then proceeded to eat. Meanwhile with Felix, he opened the door and closed it behind him. He signed heavily and was about to walk towards the bed when he saw a piece of paper on the bed. He furrowed his eyebrows. He went up to the bed and picked up the paper. Again as usual it was empty. Just a plain piece of paper.

Felix: *Sigh* This is just stupid. I wonder who does this.

He said and put the paper on the drawer. He laid on the bed and closed his eyes to relax. He felt his body getting heavier and heavier. Until he finally slept. The door opened and closed. The bed dipped down and fingers were tracing his chest. The woman chuckled underneath her breath.

???: I swear, when the time comes, you and I will be together. And your wife? Hmph, she will be the maid. And I will be the Queen of your life.

The woman kissed his forehead and placed her lips on the corner of his lips. She backed away when she felt him move. He grumbled and scooted away from her. She smirked, she backed away from him and left the room. When she closed the door she yelped in surprise when she saw Rheyna standing in the door.

Rheyna: What are you doing Andrea?

Andrea: My Queen, uhh I was just... Checking the King-

Rheyna: Who gave you permission to check on the King?

Andrea: Well... I'm just walking by and I heard him-

Rheyna: Whatever he does is none of your business. And you don't get to enter our room without permission. Understand?

Andrea: Yes my Queen.

Rheyna: Get back to your work. Excuse me.

Rheyna opened the door and closed it in front of her face. Andrea scoffed.

Andrea: You stupid rat. Tch...idiot.

She walked away angrily. Meanwhile Rheyna, she signed heavily. She saw him sleeping peacefully. She went up to him and laid down beside him. She placed her head around his arms and relaxed under his touch. Felix groaned and pulled her closer. Cuddling close. She chuckled softly. She placed her hand on his hair, combing his hair with her fingers. She hummed a song. Her voice was such an amazing voice. It was so gentle. Like a lullaby, putting the baby to sleep. It was exactly like that. Her voice is so smooth. So soft. So gentle. He signed softly and kissed her chest and collar bone.

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