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Rheyna woke up with nobody by her side. She signed heavily in sadness.

'He's still mad isn't he?'

She thought alone in her thoughts.

She signed and sat up from the bed. She stood up and went to the bathroom for a nice and relaxing shower. Meanwhile with Felix though. He was standing in the garden where his soldiers were training. He was in deep thought and that didn't go unnoticed by Draken. He approached the King who didn't seemed to notice his presence as he was still staring at the empty space. He placed his hand on his shoulder making Felix flinch and look at him. Felix signed in relief when he saw it was just him. He lowered his head and looked at the empty air again.

Draken: Deep thought I see.

Felix: You have no idea.

Draken: Why don't you rest up? I'll take care of the things from here.

Felix: I believe I'm the one who's supposed to say that to you. You're the one who's supposed to be resting. Your wounds aren't properly healed yet.

Draken: I'll pass. I've experienced worse.

Felix: So you're going to disobey me? Hmm?

Draken: Oh no you're not gonna use that style on me.

Felix: I wasn't even doing anything.

Draken: You were literally doing it just a second ago.

Felix: Don't know what you're talking about.

Draken: This conversation won't go anywhere I know that.

Felix: You're the one who's still going.

Draken: Because you're still going with it too.

Felix: So is that like a confession that you wanna keep up with this conversation?

Draken: No-well yes but-

Skye: You both are just being way too childish. Bickering at each other as if you guys are siblings.

Draken: We all are. Ever since we were kids. You know...close bestfriends.

Skye: Mm... Aren't you supposed to be resting in bed right now General Draken?

Draken groans softly.

Draken: I don't wanna be in bed I wanna be here!

He whined making the soldiers sightly shocked. They never saw him act like this before. Draken seemed to have finally realized what he had just done. He looked at Skye and Felix who was fighting back their smile. Draken blushed and cleared his throat.

Draken: What are you all looking at? Continue!

The soldiers continued their training. Draken looked at them and signed.

Felix: How's Jonathan by the way?

Draken: He's okay. A bit beaten up but still alive.

Felix: Good. I want you to always keep an eye on him for me. Is that clear? Do you understand?

Draken: Yes your majesty.

Felix: Good. Now if I may be excused please.

Draken: As you wish your majesty.

They both bowed to Felix and Felix nodded before leaving the garden. He proceeded to walk to his father's library. He pushed the doors open and closed it behind him. But not completely, he left a little bit of space. His eyes searched for his father and his eyes landed on King Arthur who was reading a book. With a map on the table. He seemed to be fully focused and concentrated. Felix knocked on the wooden bookshelf. Creating a 'knock knock' sound. Arthur adverted his eyes to his son who was standing there looking at him with an unreadable face. Felix dropped his hand to his side and approached his father.

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