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The sun was beginning to rise. People were beginning to wake up and do their chores. Meanwhile with Felix and Rheyna, both were still asleep. Well, Rheyna was woken up by a loud knock on the door. She woke up and signed. She rubbed her eyes tiredly and yawned. She stood up and went to the door. She opened the door and saw Draken standing there with his hands behind his back.

Draken: Good morning my Queen.

Rheyna: Good morning Draken.

Draken: Queen Valinrina wishes to have breakfast with you both. So i suggest to be ready now.

Rheyna: He's still asleep though.

Draken: Well nothing we can do my Queen. Queen Valinrina is very strict when it comes to mannerism. Especially when others are around. So please may I request you to wake him up?

Rheyna: Yes of course.

Draken: Wonderful. Please come down for breakfast my Queen.

He bowed down and left. She closed the door and glanced at him. His bare back was barely even covered by the blanket. His long silky silver hair all over the pillow and mattress. His tattooed back and chest. He was laying on his stomach. His face was looking so peaceful. But every time he's awake, his face is always stoic and expressionless. And it's because of her. She knows. She went to the bed and sat down. She placed her hand on his face. Caressing his smooth, pale face. She unknowingly smiled genuinely. Obviously happy. But her smile died down when she thought that his face will never smile. At least not when she's around. She always notices how he would smile at others but whenever she comes, his smile would vanish and be replaced by irritation and a scowl.

She was hurt. Knowing his smile will never be because of her. And it hurts her, knowing that she is the reason why he always scowls. And she wanted to change that to the opposite. She wanted him to smile so brightly.

But he couldn't. She understood. She flinches when she felt him stir in his sleep and she moved her hand back. She signed relieved, when he didn't woke up.

Rheyna: Felix, wake up. It's time for breakfast! Felix!

She yelled out softly.

Rheyna: Felix!

Felix: Mmm what?

Rheyna: It's time for breakfast. Your mother wants us to have breakfast with them. Will you wake up please?

Felix: Ugh... Would you get out of my sight? You're making my day worse.

He spatted harshly. She nodded her head and got off the bed. She went to the closet and took out her dress and his clothes. She got to the bathroom and stripped. She let her nightgown dress slip down to the floor. She went in the large bathtub and filled the water with warm water. Once it was filled she turned it off and relaxed. She sighed heavily and relaxed herself. She scrubbed her arms to her neck and shoulders. She washed her hair and scrubbed every single thing in her body. Unaware that someone was in the tub with her. Her back was turned away so she didn't see who had entered.

Felix: Enjoying your time?

She yelped. Completely surprised. Her eyes widened when she saw him in the tub with her, looking at her with  bored eyes. His bare chest showing his tattoo on his arms and left pec. The tattoo on his neck and his wet hair.

Rheyna: Y-you s-scared me! How d-did you get in here? And what are you doing here?

Felix: Would you stop with your questions? You're making my ears bleed.

Felix said while rubbing his temples. She shut her mouth and looked away. She turned her head away and covered her chest even though the water was already covering it up.

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