He walked past the pallets and looked down, only to spot Porsche staring back. 

Porsche is frozen for a few seconds. So is the bodyguard. Neither of them move and they just look at each other in shock before the man tried to pull his gun but Porsche was faster and hit the man on the side of his head, knocking him out in one go. The gun fell out of his hands and landed right in front of Porsche's feet.

"Sorry," he whispered, knowing he didn't mean it.

There was a keychain attached to the belt of the knocked-out bodyguard. Porsche quickly grabbed it and ran towards the car he had tried to unlock a while back since it was the one that would give him the most time to find the right key and escape.

Kinn started getting concerned about his bodyguard since it had been a few minutes since he had left and he knew how well Porsche could fight.

He left the door as well with his bodyguards right behind him with their weapons drawn. 

Porsche hid behind the van and held his breath as he watched the men from a distance looking around, Kinn had walked to the side of the building, spotting the knocked-out bodyguard which made him turn around in Porsche's direction.

They made eye contact. 

This time it only lasted less than a second since Kinn had already started running in his direction.

Porsche quickly starts pushing keys into the hole again but none of them would fit, Kinn was already dangerously close and Porsche started seriously being scared for his life.

He tried a small silver key with a round shape and put all of his hope on it, it fit and he wanted to jump up in excitement but Kinn was already only meters away from him so Porsche quickly opened the door and jumped in, immediately shutting it behind him.

He turned on the car straight away and pushed the gas paddle in.

He hears gunshots while driving away, some hit the car but it seemed to be bulletproof as it sounded like they just clattered off the wall like rain. the only exit to the open place is a small path made out of mud and stones.

Kinn cursed out loud after the car had just turned a corner since Porsche had all of the car keys and they couldn't do anything but wait for someone to come pick them up.

As Porsche pulls into the driveway, he notices another vehicle already parked there. His heart starts racing and his blood is boiling at this point.

Only porchay is home. 

Or at least only he is supposed to be home.

When he entered his house with the gun he had picked up from the ground earlier in his hands, he spotted Porchay sitting on one of the chairs surrounding the kitchen table which relaxed him a bit but he also spotted someone else he didn't recognize,

The man was just about as tall as Porsche and he seemed to be around the same age as him, he had long black hair that reached his shoulder and he was wearing a blue jacket with a white shirt underneath, probably a tank top. 

"Is something wrong?" asked Porchay when he saw how shocked Porsche looked.

"Who is he?" he asks and points to the guy next to him.

Porchay smiled and looked back at the stranger, "This is Kim, he is going to give me guitar lessons from now on." 

relaxation washed over Porsche as he headed towards the table, joining them.

"Have you heard anything about Uncle?" asked Porchay.

Porsche suddenly hears his phone ring, it wasn't in his pocket but was laying on the couch and he went to pick it up. It was kind of weird that it was laying there since he was positive he took it with him when he went to visit his friends.

He opened it and saw a message from his uncle at the top of his notification bar.

"I'm sorry Porsche, I messed up bad, I lost all the money on a stupid bet, someone cheated and won everything. I don't have any more money left and they want 5000 baht tomorrow. I ran away, I can't die yet. They won't kill 2 kids. I know that I'm a coward, just give up the house. You can support both of you with your job, right? I will probably never see you again, I'm sorry"

Porchay reads the text over his shoulder.

"What are we gonna do," asks Porchay. "We don't have enough money."

"I don't know" Porsche sighs. 

"I can give up my college," says Porchay suddenly.

But Porsche turns down his offer. "You can't, you need to graduate and get a good job. I won't let you live like uncle and me"

Then Porsche remembered the motorcycle that he was supposed to sell but where could it be? Kinn probably took it back or destroyed it but he had him that he didn't need it and that isn't what he wanted.

Kim coughed and both Porchay and Porsche turned to him. 

"Can I talk to you for a moment?" asked Kim while looking at Porsche. 

"You guys go I have your talk, I will go make some food, we have some noodles left right?" asked Porchay, reading the room and he walked up to the fridge to pull out the leftovers from the night before.

Porsche followed Kim to the garden confused, there was still a part of him that was scared that Kinn was trying something.

"What is it?" Asked Porsche, getting straight to the point. Kim smiles and gave Porsche his phone, the phone was on and was opened on Whatsapp.

"Kinn wanted me to let you read this"

Porsche froze and looked at Kim but Kim just smiles nonchalantly like its nothing.

"Are you sure you don't want the job?"

"Porchay looks like a nice person."

Porsche stares at Kim's phone, rereading the message and keeping himself from throwing up. What did he do to deserve all these problems?

"Kinn seems to like you, he is normally never this desperate," Kim smiled and took back his phone and turned it off. "I'm his brother by the way."

Porsche looked at his little brother through one of the big windows, he is still busy warming up their meal and looked genuinely happy, which made Porsche feel even worse about the situation, he wouldn't let him get hurt, no matter what.


I think I fixed 3 chapters in one day lol, not that I have better things to do though and it's fun. Also, it's nice to see my skills slowly improve over time:)

Word count: 1,7K

Title song: Take me home - Ateez (Fav song of my fav group:))

Luv Y'all<3

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