"Knox was also rejected. We three share a similar story." Xander shrugs speaking for Knox again.

To say I'm surprised is an understatement. What are the odds that all three of us have been rejected?

Xander seems completely unaffected by it but next to me Knox emits a brief emission of pain from the undertones of his scent.

I look at him, understanding.

"I'm sorry. Their loss I guess. I hope you both find your second chance." I say honestly. I know exactly what it feels like to have the mate bond ripped from your soul. I wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy.

"Her loss." Xander corrects me.

"Excuse me?" I look between them.

"We shared one mate. She rejected us both. When we find another it will be one for the both of us again."

He tilts his head all humor leaving his eyes. I feel the air around me thin and breathing becomes hard.

Xander Bane is as dangerous as they come. He leaves me without a doubt what he is thinking. His wolf in his eyes tells me everything. His approval at what he sees when he looks at me, his attraction, and his lust.

My eyes flit to Knox who stands between us his eyes and emotions guarded but his pheromones leech unconstrained by his wolf. Knox's wolf mirrors his brother's desires.

My heart races. Excitement and fear battle it out inside me. This is too much.

"I wish you all the best in finding her." I step backward away from them.

Xander steps forward but Knox presses a hand to his chest.

"Don't be rude, Xander. Don't you think it's appropriate to feed our guest first before you start laying our morbid history on her?"

Knox looks at me apologetically.

"You missed dinner, are you hungry?"

I've never been more starved in my life. I can barely hold back Hela - she's ravenous, and not for food.

This isn't right. I shouldn't be feeling like this for someone who is not my mate, never mind two of them.

"I could eat," I confirm quietly. I know I should run as fast as I can from both of them but something keeps me in place. I'm not ready to leave. I'm intrigued, fascinated by these two Alpha's and Hela urges me to let them feed me.

"Come," Knox says with a toss of his head. I'm glad he does not offer me his arm. I'm scared of what might happen if either of them touches me.

Against all sense, I follow Knox's broad shoulders as he cuts a path towering through the crowd. Behind me, I feel Xander follow, the heat from his gaze on my exposed naked back burning as if he was touching me.

Hela stirs again and I haul her back. If I let her loose she will have me in a wet puddle at their feet. Part of me is not sure that's even a bad thing.

Oh my Goddess what am I doing?

My steps falter and Xander bumps into me.

"Sorry. You okay?" He asks his hand finding my waist to steady us both.

His palm is large and firm and I suck in a breath as Knox stops walking and turns.

Knox's eyes land on Xander's hand with a disapproving frown. Xander lets me go and I quickly move forward as we find an empty table at the back of the room.

Knox pulls out a chair and I sit suddenly feeling closed in again as they take a seat on either side of me.

A waitress appears with a plate of food and Champagne for three.

Xander raises his glass as Knox and I reach for ours.

"May I toast the most beautiful she-wolf in our city? It's an honor to have you here Freya. I wish you prosperity for you and your business."

"Thank you," I say sipping the delicious tangy wine.

Knox nods at my plate.

"Eat. You're hungry, I can hear your stomach." He chuckles.

He's not lying. As soon as the plate was out in front of me my stomach growls, reminding me bad coffee is all I've consumed all day.

I moan as the medium-rare wagyu melts in my mouth.

"Oh my goodness that's good beef." My eyes sparkle. I'm an absolute sucker for good meat.

Knox chuckles, his eyes lighting up.

"We have an award-winning wagyu farm, best beef in the world, and makes a mint." He smiles as I devour the rest of the steak enthusiastically.

"I'm going to get Neo and Sebastian to order from you guys, seriously they have no idea what they are missing. But where do you farm? This is a city pack." I ask between bites. I try not to be unnerved by the two men watching me eat but Hela is ravenous and we stay focused as we eat.

"We still have a lot of pack lands out of the city, it's about an hour out and where our main pack house is. Most of our original pack live there including Knox. We let transfers and others live in the city and I manage that side of the pack." Xander explains, leaning back, his body turned toward me with his arm slung over his chair.

His position stretches his shirt across his broad chest almost popping the buttons. He smirks catching me staring. I turn away to look at Knox for a safer view forgetting for a moment they are twins and find him seated in the exact same disposition.

My eyes full of manly muscle, my senses swarming with alpha pheromones, and my belly full of food and wine - I'm totally fucked.

Clearing my throat I fidget with my wine glass to distract myself.

"Dessert?" Knox asks pulling my eyes to him, his silken voice soft and low.

"Um, no thanks, I'm stuffed," I reply.

"It's chocolate mousse. Xander tells me you quite liked it the last time. It's prepared by the same patisserie from Siroccos, the best in the city." He smiles reassuringly.

My eyes flick to Xander recalling the first night we met.

I tilt my head looking at him.

"How is your girlfriend?" Why I went there I don't know. I don't even know what the hell I'm doing sitting in this dark corner with these predators. There's not a single doubt in my mind Xander and Knox are dangerous and I'm playing a game I don't even know how to play.

Xander leans forward his face serious.

"I told you she's not my girlfriend. I was done with her the moment I laid eyes on you." He reaches forward to stroke my shoulder but freezes as Knox growls low.

Making a fist he withdraws.

"That would be before or after fucking her in the elevator," I say dryly.

Knox chuckles next to me and Xander smiles wickedly leaning closer.

"No need to be jealous Angel, I'm all yours if you want me."

I scoff.

"Hard pass on the sloppy seconds Alpha." 


The Crystal Moon Curse: Book 3: CHOSENTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang