chapter fourteen

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Storm sat in the guest room of the Donovan's house. It's been a few days since her and Bella's argument and it was safe to say that it was taking a toll on her.

She did keep her promise and have been staying at the trio's house, even calling Charlie during the evening and letting him know where's she's been -despite his suspicion of his daughters fighting. But the girl worried for her sister as Bella can be irrational when it comes to certain things.

Yet Storm needed a distraction and what better way then to video call up her boyfriend while the trio left her to head to the Reservation.

"Eddie~" A pouting Storm was seen on the computer screen, Edward sitting against the headboard of the bed, his shirt was unbuttoned exposing his defined chest.

The vampire chuckled but held adoration in his eyes as he hasn't seen her face in weeks. "Yes, love?"

"Bella and I got into a fight, and I miss her." Storm frowned, picking her chip nail polish, she needed Clara to do her nails once they come back.

Edward raised a brow in curiosity, "About what?"

"Jacob- Well everything about the supernatural to be honest." She exhaled and tossed her head back for a second before looking back at the camera. "I mean I'm not even mad at her for the argument, everything she said was true."

"And what was it?"

"About me knowing the supernatural or anything before her for that matter." Storm admitted, biting the corner of her lip. "Bella's right, I mean I would be pretty frustrated if I didn't know everything right then and there. I mainly got it spot on because of my powers anyways."

"Wait, so Bella's mad at you because you found out about the supernatural before her?" Edward asked, Storm nodded her head. He sighed, "I'm sure she'll get over it. Besides, I'm pretty without you being a part of the supernatural you would've figured it out earlier than her."

Storm rolled her eyes, "Hey, my sister is smart as well. If it wasn't for me trying to throw her off, she would've got it quicker then me." She defended Bella. "But, I know she's over it. I'm just waiting it out to go home at this point."

Edward chuckled, "Babe go home. It's been days like you've said. I'm sure Charlie is worried about you. Besides, you should give the trio a rest from you crashing over."

Storm gasped in mocked offense. "Are you saying they're tired of my company, Cullen?" Edward shrugged his shoulders with a playful smirk. "Well, I beg your pardon. I'll have you know that the trio absolutely enjoy my company and wants me to officially move in with them." She smugly told him, though it wasn't true.

Stormie the HybridWhere stories live. Discover now