chapter fifteen

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"Hey, you're ready?" Bella asked Storm who was finishing putting her sweater over her long sleeve shirt.

"Yep. Just finished," Storm exhaled and turned around with a smile on her face. "Did you tell dad, yet?"

Bella gave her a sheepish smile, rubbing her hands together. "I was hoping that maybe you could tell him?"

Storm rolled her eyes at her sister and nodded her head, "And you're the oldest." It was Bella's turn to roll her eyes as Storm walked passed her with a giggle when she slapped her on her ass.

"Go get dad another beer." Storm whispered once they got downstairs. Bella nodded her head, Storm snuck up behind her dad who was fixing his gun.

 "Hey, daddy!" Charlie jumped slightly from the abrupt noise but smiled slightly at his younger daughter.


"Here, I got you another beer." Bella said, sliding the can next to the empty one. Storms leaned on the table on Charlie's right, while Bella leaned on his left side.

 "So, um, dad?" Charlie hummed, still focused on his gun. "Bells and I have a date with Edward and Alexander?"

Charlie paused and placed the stick down, "Aren't they a little to old for you, especially you." Charlie emphasized that last part towards Storm who gave him an offended look.

"Dad, we're all in the same grade," Storm said.

"Yeah, they're juniors, we're juniors." Bella added, and bit the corner of her lip. "We thought you liked the Cullens."

"And I thought you didn't like any of the boys in town." Charlie rebuttal, reaching for his beer and taking a sip from it.

"Well technically he doesn't in town," Storm said, "Which isn't helping, okay." Storm muttered to herself when she saw her father's face.

"And they're right outside, so..." Bella trailed off, shuffling lightly on her feet. Charlie sighed, "Alright." He clicked his gun and placed it down on the table, "Bring 'em in."

Storm groaned, tossing her head back. "Dad, please be nice." She pleaded, placing her hands on his shoulders. "They really mean a lot to us."

Charlie stared at her before sighing, he then made an angel halo over his head with his finger. Storm gave him a blank look and walked out the kitchen to go answer the door with Bella following.

She opened the door to reveal the Cullen twins. "Hi," She breathed out to her boyfriend who smiled and replied hi. Storm and Bella grabbed their boyfriends and guided them to the kitchen.

"Chief Swan, we want to formally introduce ourselves." Alexander started, "I'm Alexander Cullen."

"And I'm Edward Cullen." Edward spoke after him.

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