chapter nine

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"Hey, where did you go after the beach yesterday?" Was the first thing Storm heard as soon as she walked downstairs.

Storm's heart raced a little, but she furrowed her brows, "Well good morning to you as well." Bella looked at her not amused and crossed her arms. Storm sighed and walked towards her sister, "I went to go see my friends..."

Bella furrowed her brows in confusion, "Clara, them came to visit?"

"No...I went to go see the Cullens..actually." Storm bit her lip as she studied her sister's facial expressions.

"Oh." Bella simply said as she walked into the kitchen. "I didn't know that you were getting closer to them."

"N-not, really." Storm followed the girl, "Um...Edward wanted to talk to me about something-"

"It's fine, you don't have to explain anything." Bella cut her off, Storm could tell that it bothered her but she didn't know how to make her feel better. "Let's hurry and get to school before we're late."

Storm played with her rings on her fingers to calm her nerves, "Actually...Edward, kind of asked me to ride with him today." Storm said slowly and on cue a horn was heard from outside. Storm awkwardly pointed to the front door. "That's probably him..."

Bella's shoulders slumped as she stared at her little sister. She couldn't help but be a little jealous that Storm was getting closer to the Cullens when she's still struggling on talking to Alexander. "That's fine, you go ahead."

Storm sighed and gave Bella her keys, "If you want you can take my car." She gave Bella a small smile. "I'll see you at school, k?" Bella nodded her head as she stared at the keys that was placed in her hands.

Storm felt really bad as she walked out the door, but her mood changed as soon as she locked eyes with Edward.

"I didn't have to wake you up," Edward said.

Storm rolled her eyes playfully, "I was kind of expecting a hello, but instead I get attacked this early."

Edward chuckled and opened his arms for her to enter a hug. "Good morning, Storm."

Storm's warm body was engulfed by Edward's cold body, she sighed with content from the temperature. "Good, morning." They pulled away after a couple of seconds. "Where's the others?"

"Already heading to school," Edward answered and opened the door for Storm. "Where we should be going now."

"Right," Storm nodded her head and got in the car, Edward closed the car door and walked over to the driver's side and hopped in. "Ugh." Storm through her head back against the head rest of the seat.

"What?" Edward asked as he pulled out of the driveway and shot down the road, Storm jolted for a second from the speed Edward was going.

"Firstly, slow down we're not on your street for you to be doing that." Storm pointed at him, he chuckled but slowed down. "Secondly, I just remembered how nosey the people in our school are. Us going to school together is just gonna draw unnecessary attention that I didn't want."

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