chapter one

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People were saying goodbye to Bella and Storm across from their house. Bella's 'Friends' were by their car, while Storm's were in theirs.

"So you're really leaving me with these crackheads?" Clara whined earning a look from her twin brother Camden and their other friend Jai.

"We're not even that bad!" Jai protested causing Storm to giggle, she was pulled into one more hug from the three and pulled away.

"I'll make sure to text and call you guys when I have time." Storm reassured them giving them a wide grin.

Camden points at the girl he used to crush on as kids. "You better, or else our friendship is over."

The four laughed, a sound of a car being speed off stops them as they see Bella's 'Friends' almost down the road. Storm frowned at how they just left Bella so soon, Bella awkwardly looked at her sister's friends and waved before looking away.

Storm sighed and turned back to her best friends. "I really feel bad for Bells, she doesn't even want to move to dad's."

"Yeah, well not to sound rude or anything Stormie. But your mom's kind of selfish for trying to get rid of you guys, only to spend time with a man who cares for baseball more than anything."

Clara told the curly haired girl, but Storm didn't take any offence to it knowing how true it is.

Phil has been wanting to get rid of the two girls ever since he married their mother, and their mother who is head over heels for the man couldn't realize it. But being the good daughters they are, they wanted to make their mother's life easier by just moving in with their dad, while Renee travel across the state with Phil. Storm who loves her father and always force her mother to let her visit him, couldn't be even more ecstatic to go live with him. While Bella on the other hand is dreading it.

"I know but on the bright side I get to finally see my father for more than two weeks which is good!" Storm tried to brighten up the mood, the three smiled at her knowing how much of a daddy's girl she is.

"Stormie! Bella!" A familiar voice of their mother came from their house, Storm turned around to see Bella already walking towards their mom.

"I guess that's our cue to leave," Clara spoke as she hoped back in the car and  revived it, Camden and Jai followed her actions and closed the doors.

"Make sure you tell Papa C we said hi," Jai said causing Storm to laugh.

"Alright I will. Love you guys," Storm says and takes a step back not wanting to get her feet ran over.

"Love you too," The three voiced with a wave as Clara moved the jolt stick, placed it into drive, and took off down the road.

Storm watched the car till it turned and sighed before making her way towards her mother and sister.

Stormie the HybridWhere stories live. Discover now