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Roman's POV

We got back to NYC at midday and I departed ways with Felicity so she could go to work

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We got back to NYC at midday and I departed ways with Felicity so she could go to work.

I walked through my cold house and entered my bathroom. I did my normal routine and put my hair into a bun as it had grown quite long.

I moisturised and put on a all black Nike tracksuit and finished it off with black airforces.

I exited my house and got into my Black Range Rover. I put on Zayn - Calamity and waited for the light to turn green. The clouds were dark grey and rain coated my windscreen.

I pulled up to the gym and went downstairs to the boxing area. "Finally your back!" Connor said pulling  me in for a hug. "Go get changed we need to start training,"

I went to the changing room and put on my shorts and a vest. Fredrick entered the changing room dapping me up. "Congratulations bro on finally making Felicity yours," He said genuinely.

"Thanks but bro get changed faster we need to train, this shit life or death," I said seriously.

We went back into the gym but this time we were ready. I did some sparing with fredrick as my partner and we bonded. It felt like the old days.

Hours went by and those hours consisted of me and Fredrick preparing for the fight and just talking.

I was sat on a bench with Fredrick laughing about our childhood. "Remember when you pulled your pants down in that meeting and then ran outside cause your dad was yelling at you and then you pissed on the car," Fredrick said laughing.

I started laughing at the memory. When me and Fredrick were younger we found the keys to my fathers garage and use the opportunity to get back at him for saying that we had to go to school in the morning. Our fathers took us out of school when they had business meetings and as they wanted us to follow in their footsteps we would also follow them to the meetings. There was one more meeting but it was cancelled meaning we had to go back to school. We did not like that so we thought pissing on my fathers newest car would be the perfect answer to let us stay at hone.

I mean we did stay at home but that was beacuse we had nightmares. Yes nightmares. My dad and Fredrick's dad thought it was appropriate to scare the living shit out of us. The lights in the garage turned off and my dad made us treat the whole situation like it was an escape room. It was funny at first but then when the lights would flicker and we heard footsteps around the cars which were not ours wasn't so fun. To be fair we learnt our lesson.

"Fucking hell we were crying the whole night," I said laughing.

As I was laughing my assistant came running in to the gym. "BOSS," He said panting.

"What is it?" I snapped. "When you told me to do the background check on that person you saved yourself the cost of loosing Miss Willow," He said regaining stability in his breathing. Me and Fredrick both stood to attention. Even Connor appeared out of no where to listen.

"Explain!" I yelled "That man that caught Miss Willow was Jahrod Hill," My assistant said. My body froze.

"Jahrod Hill?" Fredrick said confused "Wait I saw a rumour like four years ago that Felicity used to be called Felicity Hill," He said laughing "What nonsense,"

I looked at him with a raised brow.

"Oh... OH SHIT THATS HER FATHER?" Fredrick yelled. "Fuck me," Connor muttered.

I looked at my assistant who looked like he wanted to continue. "Spit it out then," I said irritated. "Boss that is not all I searched deeper and found that Mr Hill killed his wife Nicole Willow and has been in and out of prison on multiple occasions, he also tried to sell his own daughter Felicity Hill- Felicity Willow for drugs to some Greek gang," He said quickly "Mr Hill resides in London but has been seen in New York on more occasions instead of London in the past few years,"

I balled my fists tightly.

My assistant showed me his ipad. "The fighters are anonymous correct?" I look at Fredrick and then back at him and nodded "But I hacked the computers located at the place you will be fighting and I found that Jahrod Hill is a fighter too but he goes by the name 'The Hunter'... he will be at the event so either you or Mr Fernandez will be against him,"

Fredrick took a deep breath. "Fucking hell, when I saw him he was fucking huge," I said rubbing my head "He has the mass but not the height," I concluded.

"The Hunter?" Connor asked "Seems like he's mocking you," My assistant added.

Realisation hit.

"You are right and he is mocking me for a reason, I made it public that I was dating his daughter and I think that is what he wants," I cringed.

"Put 24/7 Security on Miss Willow herself, her apartment and her building this instant," I ordered.

I rushed to the changing room and collected my things. "Bro let's go," I said patting Fredrick's back. I left the gym and got into my car. Moments later Fredrick followed and we headed towards Felicity's Building.

"Hey siri call 'my darling' please," I increased the speed. I ordered Fredrick to call Aaliyah and Kahlil immediately stating that we need to have a meeting at my building.

The ringing was daunting and it felt like it was going on for a eternity.

"Kahlil was with Aaliyah and they said that they are on their way," I nodded at Fredrick's comment and then the ringing stopped.

I finally heard my angel.

"Roman?" She said. "Hello darling," I responded "Please drop everything you are doing and go to my building immediately," I said sternly.

I heard shuffling in the back.

"What has happened?" She asked "Please, I do not want to explain over the phone just go to my building, Aaliyah and Kahlil are on their way baby, I am with Fredrick and we should be there in 10 minutes,"

We parted ways from the call and I increased my acceleration. "Bro we will fucking die before we make it if you don't fucking relax with the speed,"

I ignored him. I saw my building emerge in my view and I saw two cars enter my parking space. I drove into my personal parking space and put on my hoodie. Fredrick did the same as it was fucking cold.

"I love winter but winter in NYC is something different," Fredrick mumbled. I hummed in agreement and we got out of my car.

I was met with Aaliyah, Kahlil and Felicity.

"Lets go,"

"Lets go,"

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