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Felicity's POV

"Strap up!" The pilot said, I tried to put on my seatbelt but it wasn't working "The fuck," Fredrick undid his to help me do mine, I could smell his cologne it was comforting as it smelt like Roman's but creepy at the same time

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"Strap up!" The pilot said, I tried to put on my seatbelt but it wasn't working "The fuck," Fredrick undid his to help me do mine, I could smell his cologne it was comforting as it smelt like Roman's but creepy at the same time.

He looked up at me once he fixed my seatbelt and his eyes flickered on my lips. Fredrick put my headphones on and in a matter of seconds we were lifted up into the air.

"My stomach feels funny," I giggled. Fredrick laughed at my childish antics but looked at me understandingly. "This is why I love the air," He stated looking outside his window. "It makes me feel free,"

A tear rolled down my cheek as i looked down at New York for all its glory. Cars lined up on roads looking like snakes. The colourful beams of lights poking out of every building. The gold lining each building and the slight fog in-between them made the lights pop more.

"I hope i've made you proud mummy," I whispered.

I didn't know I was crying that hard until i felt someone take my seatbelt off and wrap their arms around me.

"Thank you for not treating me like dirt," He whispered against my neck, tears fell from his eyes "Who hurt you?" I whispered "Everyone," He stated

I felt bad for Fredrick as the media make him look horrible but from my personal experience he is one of the sweetest most fragile people I've ever met.

Hours later

I woke up in a foreign bed in just my bra and pants. Panic washed over me as i was confused on where i was, I sprung from the bed a went out to explore. I bumped into something hard.

"Good morning doll," He said helping me up while laughing. "Please may i have a shirt?" I asked laughing.

"Let me take you out shopping," He responded. "Where is the beach house?" I asked "Your in it doll,"
I looked around and gasped.

It was all white with a sea blue finish.The wooden deck below us was a dark oak colour and there was glass everywhere letting all natural light in.

I walked past the kitchen to the glass which showcased the private beach behind the house. The pale blue picturesque waves crashed together creating soft clashes.

"It's beautiful," I said smiling "Why would you want to sell a place like this," I asked

Fredrick walked up behind me placing his hand on mine, which was placed on the glass, and responded "I don't need this place anymore, I used to use it for parties and for the summer but I want to sell this one and get a bigger place in the south of France," he said "I love Miami but I do not need this house anymore," he said placing his bare chest on my back.

I answered "I love Miami I like the liveliness, i actually own two houses in France, they are incredible," He hummed in response.

We stood like that talking for a couple of minutes until we decided to get me some outfits. "My schedule is clear until the day after tomorrow," I told him while putting on the same outfit i wore on the helicopter.

"Ha ha you have to wear the same outfit," He mocked sticking his tongue out. I chased him with my heel around the house and finally caught him on the sand outside. I rugby tackled him and we play fought till he tapped out.

"Jesus I need to stop skipping gym," He said out of breath. I laughed at him and we headed to his car.

While putting my heels on we stopped at a local store which sold all items for vacation. I bought two swim suits and some sandals, I also bought some shades, sunscreen and some frog sunglasses for Fredrick.

I got back into the car and Fredrick asked "Doll, why did you buy frog shades?" He questioned chuckling "They are for you Freddie," He furrowed his brows and his eyes darkened.

If looks could kill I would be dead. Out of no where he starts tickling me. "AHHHHHHHHHHH," I screamed laughing at the same time.

Once he stopped tickling me I started to fake cry. "You hurt me," I whispered, Freddie's eyes snapped to my own worriedly "Where doll?" I pointed to my heart.

Next thing I know me and fredrick are parked up outside of a jewellery store and he is buying me a bracelet in frog sunglasses. "Thank you Freddie," I said laughing.

"Don't worry I'll get you back," He muttered.

We drove back to the beach house singing WizKid- Essence, Freddie put the car roof down and i stood up in my seat waving my hands in the warm hair.

"YOU DONT NEED NO OTHER BODY, ONLY YOU FI HOLD MY BODY," I yelled whining in my seat.

Once we got back to the beach house I ran upstairs, had a shower and put on my bathing suit, I didn't have any creams or combs so I put my sunscreen on and put my hair into a bun letting some curly pieces free from the bun.

Fredrick came in with a fruit salad "You look gorgeous doll," He stated truthfully. He grabbed my hand and we went to the beach.

There was two water guns, the rest of the fruit salad, some pastries and a bottle of champagne all spread out on a soft comforter.

"It's so pretty out here," I said as Fredrick put his arm on my shoulder, I can understand as to why the media have portrayed him as a whore but I can clearly tell his love language is physical touch.

We sat and talked for hours till it got dark. Fredrick was taking pictures of ourselves being idiots and of the sunset. I wanted to take pictures too but thats when realisation hit.

"Where the fuck is my phone?" I asked worriedly Fredrick stated cooly "I thought you had it?"

I shook my head "Wait I have an idea," he responded.

He called the pilot from the helicopter asking if he had seen a phone in one of the seats, to my luck he said yes and that it was at the reception back in NYC.

"Thank you," I said hugging him "Its alright doll," He said hugging back. I started to drift off...

12 Hours later

I woke up in the foreign bed once again but this time to a Fredrick in my room. "Fuck, erm we woke up late and now we have 20 minutes to get to the helicopter or my uncle aka the pilot will have our heads," he said laughing tiredly.

"Im on it boss," Saluting him, I got my clothes together and put them in a bag Fredrick gave me.

I put my suit back on with my heels "I can definitely not wear this outfit ever again," I said laughing "Its been through it all," He responded laughing.

We got to the helipad in record timing and was on our way back to NYC.

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