"Taylor Lundsen, will you marry me?" Aiden asked, his deep blue eyes looking up into mine, reflecting my heart to me. "Will you let me be your home as you said, and your family, to death do us part?" I couldn't stop the sob that came out of me in reply, and I nodded at him, biting my lip for a second.

"Yes, Aiden," I answered him, emotional. His beautiful smile spread across his face, and he reached out and slipped the ring onto my left hand, looking back up at me. I laughed joyfully and held his face with my hands, kissing him. "I know where I belong at last," I whispered over his mouth, making him smile again. Aiden slowly stood up and pulled me to him for a hug.

"Does this mean I don't have to stay in the bunkhouse?" I asked, teasing. He laughed, and I reveled in the sound of it.

"Not a chance, Taylor. You tease me like that, and I'm going to carry you right upstairs and show you where you'll be moaning my name for the rest of your life, company or not," he warned in his dark, sexy tone. I knew that he was serious, which made it even more tempting to take him up on it.

"I suppose I'll behave and spare your sister and Ty," I laughed, blushing at his dark look. Another kiss stole my breath again, his hands on my shoulders, holding me to him.

"We'd better get back to tell them the good news," Aiden smiled at me. I beamed back. He mounted up onto Samson and pulled me up in front of him, just holding me for a moment. I looked out over Thunderbird ranch, and a renewed sense of wonder and home washed over me as I looked at it. This was my home now and forever.

I took one quick glance behind me at that moment, honoring where I had come from, where I had started to get to this point. Aiden squeezed Samson's sides and gently slid his reins into my hand.

"He's all yours, Taylor," he whispered in my ear from behind, causing my eyes to close at his nearness. I smiled at the idea of this ride, feeling strong and whole in his arms, a complete circle of where we had started. I urged Samson to speed us home, where I couldn't wait to tell Andrea and Tyler our happy news.

I eased Samson up before we got to the yard and took him in slow, like Aiden had taught me, giving Pearl a wide-berth. We stopped right in front of Samson's corral. Aiden jumped down and reached up for me, his eyes practically eating me alive, causing shivers to roll through my whole being. Aiden led Samson inside and unsaddled him, carrying the tack into the tack room. He then motioned to Pearl with a smile. He led me to her and showed me to another corral, opening the gate for me.

"This will be hers from now on," he smiled at me, leaning his tall frame against the fence post as I unsaddled Pearl. He reached for the tack, taking it from me with a smile. I followed him into the beautiful tack room and watched him slide the saddle onto a rack next to Samson's. I looked at that for a moment and followed him across the yard to the ranch house.

We walked into the ranch house, hand in hand, the diamond ring glittering on my finger, and hung our hats on the pegs in the living room. I glanced at them, and like the time before, the image struck me anew and made me smile. I was home.

"Shhh..." Andrea laughed from the kitchen, obviously shushing some teasing from Tyler. I heard his responding laughter, making me smile as we walked around the corner to glance at them. Andrea turned and gasped, excited to see us. I could tell she knew. She gave us an expectant smile.

"I said 'yes,'" I smiled, holding up the ring. She laughed and came in for a big hug while Tyler was still processing.

"Wow, baby girl! Congratulations! I guess that means I better quit calling you Darlin," he laughed, coming in to hug me as Andrea moved on to Aiden.

"I don't mind, Ty, if Aiden doesn't," I laughed, smiling up at Tyler.

Aiden laughed, "It doesn't bother me. Just keep your paws where I can see them." All three of us laughed heartily in response. "Shall we toast?"

Aiden reached into the fridge and got him and Tyler a beer, poured me a cider and got Andrea her glass of red wine. Right when we were about to toast, the sound of a car pulling in the drive caused us to still. We heard car doors and people coming up on the porch, followed by some knocking on the front door.

"Hello?" I heard a woman's voice.

"Ad! Ad! Ad!" A tiny voice cheered as the small black-haired toddler came running into the kitchen to latch onto Aiden's leg, making Aiden laugh.

I looked up to see another man enter the kitchen, and I knew instantly that this was Alister, Aiden's younger brother. He could have been Aiden's twin, save for being slightly taller, and I noticed he seemed less settled in himself, more tired. I surmised it was due to his recent loss and current life situation. Following him was a woman with dark, salt and pepper hair pulled neatly into a bun on the back of her head. She was beautiful and had a kind smile, but what drew my attention the most were her soft, intelligent deep blue eyes.

"You made it," Aiden smiled, leaning in to kiss his mother on the cheek and hug his brother, his nephew going along for the ride on his leg. Aiden turned and introduced first me and then Tyler, and greetings were exchanged. "Join us for a toast before dinner," Aiden smiled at them.

I looked around me while Aiden was getting their preferred drinks, still toting the toddler around on his leg. The image made me blush for a moment, and I turned my eyes back on Aiden's brother and mother, that had joined us. I looked at Andrea and then at Tyler. My family, I realized. I finally had a home and a family, and I couldn't wait to get to know them all better. Aiden handed them their beverages and reached into the center with his bottle as we joined him.

"To new beginnings and family!" Aiden smiled, our glasses and bottles clinking together, sounding off that new beginning with my new family.

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