Chapter 18

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I dressed in my regular jeans and a tank top, but the morning was extra chilly, so I slipped an over-shirt of flannel on and out of my apartment in the dark of the early morning. I crept down my staircase and out the back of the barn.

I heard some movement in the bunkhouse and froze, pressing myself up against the side of the wall, out of sight of the window. I held my breath for a moment, and when I heard nothing else, I continued on. I looked around before darting over to the forest lane, out of sight of the house or bunk house. I ran down the lane, looking behind me as I went; Zeke's threat had me feeling extra paranoid.

"Ooof!" I said as I ran into a tall frame while looking behind me. I heard Aiden's chuckle in my ear and turned to look at him.

"Why do you look like you just escaped your jail cell?" He teased.

I blushed and gave him a guilty look, saying, "Let's go." He looked at me but nodded and took my hand to lead me to Samson.

He let me mount up myself and settled behind me, again giving me the reigns. We headed out, and I sped Samson up rather quickly, so we were out of sight sooner. Aiden didn't comment; he just held me from behind, holding me close.

I finally slowed when we crested the hill before we reached his ranch. When we were in the yard area of the ranch, I noticed two horses standing at a hitching post. Aiden reached for the reigns and gave them a wide berth, directing Samson to his corral.

We dismounted, and Aiden handed me the reigns with a smile before holding the gate open for me. I smiled at him and led Samson inside. Aiden closed it after us and just leaned against the gate. I smiled at him again and laughed, shaking my head.

I turned and unsaddled Samson, setting the saddle on the fence. I unbridled the stallion and put it next to the saddle on the fence. Aiden smiled, his eyes twinkling, making me blush and bite my lip.

He opened the gate and shut it behind us. He reached for my hand and walked us to the two horses waiting there. I looked at him askance, and he met my eye with his calm, reassuring look.

"You're ready, Taylor," was all he said before he turned and looked at the horses there. I noticed Cayenne was one of the two horses. I also took notice of the tack resting on the fence near the horses. I looked over at him with wide eyes. He was completely calm as he looked back into my eyes, a small knowing smile on his lips.

"Aiden," I started.

He reached out and put his hand on the side of my face and repeated himself, "You're ready, Taylor."

"Aiden," I started again.

He released my hand, framed my face with both hands, leaned close to me, and said, "You can do this, Taylor. Trust yourself, trust me. You're ready, and I will be right there with you." My hands went to his wrists as I looked up into his beautiful deep blue eyes, full of confidence and reassurance. I took a deep breath and released it as I continued to look at him. I smiled at him and nodded. He released me and directed me to Cayenne.

"She's all yours," he winked at me. He turned to the other horse and started saddling the other mare. I didn't look at him as I saddled Cayenne, putting her bridle on her. I looked over, and Aiden mounted up, backing his mare up, waiting for me.

I took a deep breath and put the reigns over Cayenne's neck. I pulled myself up into the saddle and turned her, meeting Aiden's eyes. He gave me a huge smile that made my heart flutter. He turned his mare and started her off on a walk out of the yard area, on the opposite side of where we had come from.

I took a deep breath, squeezed, clicked, and moved the reigns for Cayenne to follow Aiden. As we walked out into a pasture, my heart was hammering in my chest. Aiden motioned for me to ride up next to him, so I urged Cayenne to come up alongside him.

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