Chapter 20

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The thundering of hooves was all around me as I tried to protect my head, balling my body up in the fetal position. More shouting, the sounds of thundering hooves all around me drowning the words out. I had to rise, to get out, or I was going to get killed; I still might.

I struggled to rise, trying to protect myself against the cattle stampeding all around. I felt my shirt get snagged on a hoof, pulling me along after it, as I hit the ground along the way; my shirt tearing freed me.

More shouting. Panic, fear. I finally managed to drag myself up, and my eyes widened in fear as the thundering wall of cattle came at me, my hands flying out like I could stop their advance as I grimaced, facing my fate.

Just as the next wave of cattle was upon me, I felt a pair of strong hands grabbing me, pulling me up onto a horse, out of harm's way, turning me so I was facing backward.

I clung to the muscular chest I faced, fisting the shirt at his back, my face going into the crook of his neck. An arm was around me, and I felt us moving but couldn't open my eyes. I was trembling and breathing heavily, with the fear and adrenalin still coursing through my system.

Every breath seemed to calm me more and more as I breathed him in, the familiar scents of leather, saddle soap, and his aftershave. His arm around me, holding me firm, brought a growing sense of peace and safety. I was in his arms, and I knew that I was safe, that he wouldn't allow anything to harm me now. I almost sobbed with relief, having gone from trepidation to utter peace in seconds.

"Shhhhh," his deep voice comforted me as I leaned into him.

But how? How was he here? How was I suddenly in his arms? It was like time slowed, the world muted around us, going out of focus so that it was just him and I.

I clung to him, listening to his heart beating and breathing as he worked us out of the stampeding herd I could barely hear.

"Aiden," I breathed his name in relief and question.

"Shhhh, you're alright. I've got you, Taylor. I've got you," he said into my ear. His voice sounded like he was trying to reassure himself as much as he was me.

We rode out, clearing the herd at last, but he didn't stop for a short way. He breathed a sigh of relief when we came to a stop, sitting on top of Samson.

"It's going to be alright. You're safe now." I couldn't say anything; I just clung to him, still shaking. "Hold onto me," he said.

I wrapped my ankles around his waist, still clinging to his chest. He dismounted, holding me, and my legs slid down him to reach the ground.

His hands came to frame my face as he looked down into my eyes; his eyes held fear in them, tempered with relief. I could read so much in his eyes as I looked up into them, him searching my own. I couldn't help but look at him in relief and wonder. How had he gotten here? How had he made it to me to save me?

I reached up in our quiet bubble of stilled time and touched his face, looking at him like you might at your guardian angel manifested. Like you would at the man you were in love with, who had just saved you. We were standing behind Samson, hidden from the sight of others, and it was like the rest of the world faded away from us as we looked into each other's eyes.

He bent his face to mine and kissed my lips as I trembled against him. Was that just me trembling, though? His light and tender kiss had me sighing his name, fisting his shirt at the front.

It wasn't my imagination; his lips were trembling on mine. It was a gentle kiss, like the last time, but it held all the tender relief he felt at that moment. His fingertips grazing my jaw had the slightest tremor in them.

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