Chapter 11

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"Come for a ride with me," he whispered in my ear from behind, making shivers break out all over me. I sucked in a breath and released Samson's neck. I turned, and Aiden's blue eyes delved into mine, taking me prisoner. I couldn't say anything; I didn't need to, with how much our eyes were communicating at that moment. I stepped away from Samson toward Aiden and threw my arms around his neck, surprising him. I heard his breathy laugh in my ear as he hugged me back. "Come for a ride," he gently said again.

"Ok," I muffed into his neck. He released me and went to grab the reigns. He pulled them back over Samson's head and mounted up, almost in one smooth movement. He turned Samson around and extended his left hand out to me again.

I swallowed and reached out to take his hand, the warmth of his palm soaking into mine. He gently pulled me to the side of his horse. He gave me the stirrup, and, as a surprise, he pulled me up in front of him this time.

His arms surrounded me, one hand holding the reigns, the other arm encasing my middle in a protective grip of steel. I was still frightened to some degree, but it was much less than it had been. Even so, I held onto his arm wrapped around my middle.

Aiden signaled his horse to start moving, and soon we were cantering off into the moonlit pasture, the crickets and the breeze in the trees creating a quiet symphony in the background. We gradually increased speed, and soon we were galloping along, the speed whipping wind against my face, making goosebumps break out over my skin from my wet clothes.

Aiden felt me shiver and gently pulled me back against him more with his arm, his warmth soaking into my back and where his hand rested around me. I relaxed against him as the speed pulled my hair out to fly behind us, the rocking motion of the steady gallop soothing while I was wrapped up in Aiden's arms.

I closed my eyes at the feel of the smooth rocking and Aiden's arms around me, my temple resting against his stubbled jaw as we rode along. I could smell leather, the forest, saddle soap, and his aftershave, being so close to him. I closed my eyes and took another shaky breath, releasing it slowly.

I felt Aiden's face turn to look down and over at me, and I couldn't help but turn my face towards his, my forehead resting against his jaw. I felt him swallow in response like my slight movement had invoked some emotion in him; his arm around me tightened the tiniest fraction.

We slowed to the gentlest of walks, moving along slowly as we ascended a small hill, coming up over a view. He pulled his horse up to stand still. Samson was swishing his tail, side-stepping a little as we looked out over the view we had come upon. I slowly turned my head to look, my forehead moving along his jaw until I was facing forward to see.

We were overlooking another ranch; the lights were on in the ranch house, barn and bunkhouse. I saw other buildings I wasn't sure about, but you could also see a covered arena and different corrals.

I took in a deep breath as I looked at it. I didn't say anything, and Aiden didn't need to explain; he was showing me his ranch. I turned to look up and smile at him. He looked down at me with those eyes, and a small smile pulled at the corner of his mouth. My smile spread as I saw a look in his eyes that communicated his love for his home; it was the look of tempered pride and loving memories that one could wear for a place or person.

I turned my eyes back on Thunderbird, taking it in. He gave me what time I wanted and turned his horse after I had settled back against him. It seemed his ability to read into things went further than just looking into your eyes.

"We better get you back," he whispered, drawing my eyes and face up to look at him. He looked ahead as he subtly signaled Samson to turn and move forward. I took a moment just to examine him, having never been this close to him before this. I finally turned to watch where we were going. Samson sped up, and we were galloping again.

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