Chapter 22

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I was frozen in time as I stared into those deep blue eyes, lips parted with the surprise of his declaration.

"Aiden," I whispered his name with shock and awe. The tiniest smile pulled at his lips, his adoring blue eyes warming me as I still clung to him. I couldn't stop my eyes from drifting to his mouth again and then back up to his eyes, making his smile deepen a little before he bent and captured my parted lips with his.

The moment his lips touched mine, I tightened my hold around him, pulling myself to him more. His arms surrounded me again, pulling me tight to his chest to kiss me deeply. The hand I had held on his face slipped around to the back of his head, into his hair.

He was in love with me. The thought had me gasping, my heart pounding away in my chest as much as his sensual kiss. I was in disbelief.

He released my lips, making me gasp but held me close, looking down into my eyes.

He caressed my face and whispered, "I know I'm not the only one, but I had to tell you." I had just closed my mouth, but it popped open again, a blush coming to my cheeks for an entirely different reason.

"Wha-," was all I managed to get out. He gave me a kind and patient smile, his eyes blinking their amusement at my reaction. He shocked me again when he laughed.

"Taylor, all I had to do was see how a couple of those men were looking at you, to know. One in particular." My mouth again tried to shut unsuccessfully. I was flabbergasted, but what did I expect? That he could read me and not others?

And suddenly, fear crept in. Fear of the burden of another's heart depending on me; risking my own heart was one thing, but to bear his? I thought spending time with him had been just that, a singular risk to my own heart as I fell in love with him.

He could read me. Did that mean he knew I had feelings for him then? That I had feelings for Brant? Wait, a couple of the guys? Who else? What had he seen?

His laugh pulled me out of my thoughts, and my eyes returned to his.

He caressed me again, whispering, "Your mind is spinning a million miles an hour right now." I blushed deeply and tried to look away, but my eyes drifted back to his. I could see he was curious about what I was thinking, and suddenly I felt shy.

"Don't tell me that comes as a surprise to you?"

"What? That there are or that you noticed?" He laughed again.


I was blushing but decided I needed to be upfront with him, "I only know of one that has feelings for me."

"And which one is that?"

I sighed, "The man that was riding the Paint. His name is Brant. And yes, he has feelings for me, I think. Though he hasn't come out and actually said it." Aiden nodded calmly.

"I thought he was going to come and rip you out of my arms that day," he said. I could only blink with an embarrassed look. "Do you have feelings for him?" he asked. Was he holding his breath?

"Ugh, are you sure you want to talk about this, Aiden? I mean," I let my words drift off. His eyes were taking in my reactions, seeing into me again.

"I'm pretty sure I know the answer, but I guess the first thing I should be asking you is, do you have feelings for me?" he said, tilting his head a little as his eyes continued to delve into mine.

"Yes," I whispered. "I don't usually go around kissing men I don't have feelings for." The thought of that Saturday with all the ranch hands had my blush spreading and flaming to my ears. His deep blue eyes took in my growing blush with a pleased smirk.

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