Chapter 15

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I put my red dress on, cowboy boots, and some make-up, leaving my apartment for my date with Brant. He was waiting for me at the bottom of my staircase, reaching out when I was a few steps up to pull me to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned in to give him a quick kiss.

He set me down and offered me his arm, walking me to one of the ranch trucks. He helped me up in the cab and put his arm around me as we drove into town. We went to the same bar that was the local hangout and got drinks. We shared a massive plate of cowboy nachos, and then he asked me to dance.

He pulled me out on the floor, twirling and spinning me to the upbeat music, bouncing with me held close in his arm, our faces close as we smiled at one another. Lord, but he was handsome and charming.

Twirling, spinning, bouncing, bobbing, swaying, and dipping. The upbeat music making us smile and laugh our enjoyment. As we danced, my hair and dress would fly out behind me at each movement. We joined in on the line dances that started up and danced just us two at the couples dances.

A slow song came on, and Brant pulled me into his arms, holding me close, our faces resting against one another. I had one arm wrapped around his shoulder, my hand resting on the top of it from the back; he held the other in his as we swayed slowly to the music. His hand on my back kept me gently but firmly to him. My eyes closed as he held me close, soaking up his touch, breathing in his smell.

Another slow song came on, and he didn't release me; he just continued to hold me close, swaying us to the music.

"Taylor?" He whispered in my ear.


"Thanks for coming out with me." I tightened my hold on him a little, not saying anything. He tightened his hold on me as well, sighing at my closeness.

I felt good in his arms, and he stirred butterflies in my stomach when we were like this when he touched me. I realized that I was starting to fall for him; it was a hinting at this point, but I couldn't not be aware of it.

It was getting late, so we pulled apart at the next music change, and he walked me out to the truck, again putting his arm around me on the way back to the ranch.

I started laughing when I saw our welcome party; all the guys were standing outside the barn, waving their shirts in the air, whistling, and teasing. I started laughing as Brant walked us over to the barn.

"Alright, release her! She's not yours anymore!" Greg jeered.

"Hell with that! She's mine till I walk her to her stairs, so back off, you punk," Brant said.

I shook my head and bit my lip as Brant led me past the group and walked me to my spiral staircase, releasing me to ascend by myself.

"Night, Brant," I smile at him.

"Night, Taylor," he answered me. I turned back to him and held his face as I kissed him; that brought out whistles and jeers from the guys watching.

"You guys better cool it, or Marney is going to tan your hides when you wake her!" said Brant to the lot. I laughed and rushed up the stairs, letting myself into my apartment.

The following night, I went out with Tyler and had a great evening together. Our time was light and fun, and I really did like Tyler. I felt safe with him, and he was quickly becoming the guy that I was second closest with outside of Brant. Our evening out together drew us really close.

We got the same reception as the previous night, and Tyler practically snatched me up in his arms to carry me up to my apartment. I gave him a light kiss goodnight, much to the whooping delight of the guys, and went into my apartment.

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