Chapter 19

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I shut my apartment door and leaned against it, a hand over my fluttering heart, a whimsical smile that wouldn't leave my face, and a flush that lit up my cheeks, heating them.

Aiden's kiss had been gentle and quick, but it lit me up from head to toe, making my heart ache in a way I had never known before. I couldn't stop closing my eyes, seeing him, remembering. How was I ever going to get some sleep now? I was relieved I didn't have to go to the mess hall to face the guys or Marney; that woman would know I was in love.

I was in love. It was frightening and freeing at the same time. I wandered over to my bed and stripped, not bothering to put on pajamas, and collapsed on my bed. He was there, waiting for me in my dreams, along with riding horses.

I fell asleep a different woman than I had woken up that morning, one that was healing and had gotten something back and gained something new.

Monday morning came, and I was on such a high that nothing was going to get me down. I mucked out the stalls and rather enjoyed being near the horses now. I was still cautious around the green ones, but I wasn't terrified as I had been.

I was stroking a mare when I heard Brant calling my name. He smiled at me as he leaned over the stall door.

"Hey, Zeke said no office work this week. It's time to start bringing the herds in one at a time so we can brand, castrate and vaccinate the calves. I wasn't sure what to tell him since you don't seem to ride, but," he dropped off.

I smiled at him, saying, "I'm good. I'll ride. Though I don't have a horse."

"You can use a ranch loaner. Most of the guys don't have their own. Are you sure about this, Taylor?" I gave him a broad smile while I nodded. He smiled back at me. I walked over to him.

"When do we need to head out? And where are the loaners?" He laughed and touched my face, gently caressing me with his fingertips.

"I'll help you, come on," he winked. I stepped out of the stall, and he took my hand. Some of the ranch loaner horses were in some corrals out back.

Brant haltered an older mare and brought her to the hitching post near the tack room. We went in and carried out what we needed, and Brant left me to it, so he could go saddle up Rembrandt. A bunch of the other guys joined us and started saddling up more loaner mounts.

In no time, we were on our way out to the West pasture to start bringing in the herd. I wasn't good at roping, but I knew how to handle a whip, so I was set up to drive them and left the roping to the guys.

Brant and I kept stealing looks at one another the whole time, making me blush. Aiden wasn't the only one capturing my heart.

The herd in the West pasture had been closer to the house, so we had them corralled behind the barn in no time. I helped man the chutes as the guys roped the calves to be branded, castrated, and vaccinated.

I could hardly tear my eyes from Brant as he worked; watching him ride and rope was amazing. He really was good, and I felt myself blushing when I stole glances and then glanced back at my work.

"Careful, baby girl, you're going to get your arm or fingers jammed if you keep staring at Brant instead of what you're doing," Tyler teased. I flushed and reached over to swat him as he bent over to work. "Yee-haw! You got me bucking, baby girl, but it's going to have to wait till we're finished, ok? I don't do that kind of rodeo out in the open," He teased, winking at me. I laughed with an open mouth of shock, flushing beet red.

Tyler was still teasing me about it when he wrapped an arm around me to walk to the mess hall for lunch.

"You know you can corral me anytime, baby girl. You just say the word, and I'll let you rope me and drag me upstairs," he teased, pushing me in front of him in the line.

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