Chapter 36

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The screen door slammed shut behind me, my boots thunking across the porch of the ranch house and down the front steps as I rushed outside. My office hours with Zeke had been much the same as usual, except at the end. I had used the radio to call for help when Zeke was moving in to try to kiss me.

Liberated now, while Brant was discussing whatever he was with Zeke, I ran across the yard. I saw Tyler coming up with a concerned look on his face, obviously having heard me clicking the radio. I smiled at him and ran for him, launching myself onto him for fun. He laughed and caught me, stumbling back a little.

"Yeehaw, baby girl! You're excited!" he laughed, reaching up to tweak my nose. "You taking off now?"

I slid down his form, still wearing my smile, and whispered, "I'm going to go get ready to go first, but yeah. Get me outta here!"

"What was all that about, baby girl?" he asked in a whisper, jerking his head toward the ranch house. I grabbed his hand and pulled him after me into the barn, so we wouldn't accidentally be overheard.

"Zeke tried to kiss me on our date last night and got interrupted, and he was trying to finish the job." I saw an irritated, almost angry look come to Tyler's face that made me smile.

"No wonder you're excited to leave! You going to be gone all night, darlin?" he asked with a wink.

An embarrassed laugh bubbled out of me before I admitted, "I'm not sure, but I wouldn't wait up for me, Ty."

A very naughty look came over his face as he teased, "There goes my woman, running off on a booty call, damn!" I busted up laughing and slugged him in the shoulder, making his shoulder jerk back.

"It is not! Even if I came home in a couple of hours and all we did was talk, I would still be excited!" His eyebrows went up as he nodded, giving me an 'uh, huh, sure' look. I glared at him and started walking up my stairs.

"What do you want me to tell people?" he asked.

"Tell them I went for a ride." He started laughing and took off his hat to run his fingers through his hair. He tried to reign it in, but as soon as he looked at my face again, he busted up, throwing his head back with it.

"Then tell them I'm off, I don't know, hunting?" He went silent for a millisecond and then howled with laughter again, his head thrown back again with the intensity of it.

I rolled my eyes at him and said, "Well, only if you can manage it with a straight face!" His laughter doubled down again, and he was holding his sides. I scoffed and waved my hand in his direction, in a gesture of 'whatever.'

I walked inside my apartment, leaving him down below, laughing. I took a quick shower and changed into a nicer pair of jeans and a black halter top. I threw a red flannel shirt over that, leaving it unbuttoned but tying a knot in the front. I made sure to put my gun on my belt and donned my hat, tucking my hair up inside of it. I slipped on my boots and walked downstairs to saddle up Pearl.

I led her out of the stall and walked her around the back of the barn. I mounted up and took off at a fast canter down the lane, heading towards the watering hole. I had Pearl wade through the shallows and took off immediately to get out of sight as quickly as possible. I had her in a run in no time.

I couldn't stop the smile coming to my face; it was impossible to stop smiling, knowing I was about to see Aiden. My heart was pounding in anticipation of seeing him, and I felt so lite that I would float right off Pearl's back. I laughed at the feeling of utter joy as I sped across Thunderbird pastures, the wind whipping my flannel shirt around me. I couldn't wait to get there and be in his arms.

Pearl crested the small hill at a run, and Thunderbird ranch came into view, making me draw in a breath as my smile spread across my face again. I gradually slowed her as we approached the entrance, and I walked her calmly into the ranch yard, heading over towards the corrals.

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