Chapter 35

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The black sports car raced down the Bridlewood Ranch drive, and suddenly I found myself alone in an enclosed space with Zeke. He reached out and turned the radio on, filling the silence in the car as we drove along. I didn't have anything to say to him, so I sat with my hands folded in my lap, looking out the passenger side window.

We entered the town and drove to the other side, which was the higher-end side of things, and Zeke pulled into a parking lot. He got out and came around to open the door for me, helping me out. I took his offered arm, and we walked into the restaurant. I looked around at the other couples and parties waiting for their tables.

"Ahhh, Mr. Bailey, right this way," the man behind the desk said, coming around to motion for us to follow him. Apparently, Zeke was well known here.

We followed the man to a lovely table, and Zeke held my chair for me as I sat down. I looked around me, taking in just how upscale the place was.

The thought that Aiden was the one who supplied the beef to the place had me biting my lower lip and blushing to keep a full-blown smirk from coming to my face. I looked down at the table, still blushing with my secret amusement.

Our waiter came to our table promptly, poured us some water in water goblets, and proceeded to take drink orders and explain the specials. He handed us our menus and left us to look them over. I glanced up at Zeke, and he was looking at his menu.

I took a moment to evaluate him while he was unaware of me looking at him. I would have called him handsome if I hadn't known him, and by the looks that the other women around were shooting him, they thought so. He was also probably well known. He bore himself with confidence and refinement when interacting with the public in general, which was interesting to watch.

I looked down at my menu and noticed no prices listed, making my eyebrows shoot up; it really was high-end if they didn't even list the prices on the menu.


"Hugh?" My head jerked up as I started and looked around. Our waiter was back and seemed to be waiting for me to say something. I flushed a little and made my order, handing him the menu I had been staring at. I blushed when I realized that I had been thinking about Aiden so much that I had become oblivious to the world around me.

I looked at Zeke, and he was observing me, which made me feel shy, so I reached out for my water for something to do. I saw him smile at my blush.

"I'm sorry again for what happened the other day with the drive, Taylor. Are you sure that you're alright?" I swallowed my water and looked at my water goblet as I set it down and nodded, looking up with a benevolent smile for him.

"Yes, my side is healing up nicely, and I haven't had any other issues come up from it," I said to him. He nodded, seeming to feel better about things.

"Did you ever find out who sent you the horse?" I was surprised by his question, and I could hear an undercurrent of something in his voice that made me choose my words carefully.

"The driver never said who it was from, and I have never received any notification about it."

"You haven't wondered who sent it?" his eyes were calculating as they narrowed at me.

"Of course, I've wondered, but my first guess was wrong, obviously, and I haven't gotten any communication about it. I'm sorry, Zeke." I saw his jaw muscles tighten a little at my reply. Did he think I was lying?

I narrowed my eyes back at him and asked him, "Why? Do you know?" I heard a tiny snort as a smirk came to his face while he folded his hands.

"How would I know? My guess is as good as yours, don't you think?"

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