Chapter 26

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Aiden led me along after him by the hand, heading toward the stables. I had never been inside his stables before, and I was utterly blown away by the size and how well kept they were. It put Bridlewood's stables to shame. If Aiden hadn't been holding my hand, I would have frozen in place to gape and gawk.

So many stalls with beautiful prize-worthy horses. Stall after stall, we passed until Aiden turned a corner, and I saw multiple stalls larger than the rest and more secluded. Sneaking a peek in a couple we passed, I saw that they each held a pregnant mare, foaling pens.

We walked up to one in the corner and entered a stall, and my eyes landed on a breath-taking Friesian mare who was agitated. Aiden released my hand, gently telling me to stay where I was, and he walked up to her, speaking in low tones.

She seemed to settle now that he was with her, allowing him to run his hands over her in a calming way. He walked around to her back and started examining her, smiling back up at her. His deep soothing voice seemed to soothe her, along with his gentle stroking.

"She ok?" He stroked her again and looked up at me with a smile.

"She's in the first stage of labor and is doing fine. This could take a while," Aiden warned.

I smiled at him, "I'm fine. I'm just happy to be here, so don't worry about me. Besides, I really do love watching you work, Aiden," I admitted, meeting his eyes. He gave a slightly-embarrassed laugh and turned back to the mare named Fresca. He gave her a pat and a smile and walked back over to me,

"You sure you want to stay? I usually stay with them until late after the birth." I smiled at him and nodded. I watched him walk back over to Fresca and continue to stroke and talk to her.

"So you breed Friesians?" He smiled over at me and nodded.

"Them and some others. This is Samson's foal," he said. I smiled broadly at him, learning that his stallion fathered the foal.

I watched him standing with the mare for a while, but I needed to sit down by sunset. I went and sank down into the straw in the corner of the stall and leaned back to keep watching. Aiden would help calm the mare at times, but most of the time, he was just standing to the side, observing her in his quiet, discerning way. I looked at the time.

"Would you like me to get you something to eat, Aiden?" The ranch dinner bell had just rung.

He looked over at me and smiled, saying, "Sure. Thanks, and don't forget yourself." I laughed and nodded, standing up. Before I could leave, he caught my hand and whispered, "Thanks." I smiled at him and nodded.

I shut the stall door after myself and went to find the mess hall. I opened the door and walked in; the noisy, bustling met my ears. Some of the volume went down a little when they all noticed me, and I couldn't help but feel awkward. I was a Bridlewood ranch-hand who was involved with their boss and knew almost no one; blush.

I felt a sense of relief when Jeff came up to me in line with a smile.

"Getting some dinner?" he asked.

I smiled at him and said, "I offered to bring Aiden something since he's staying with Fresca." Jeff nodded his approval.

"Come on, then," he said, motioning for me to follow him to the front.

"I can wait, Jeff, it's fine. I don't want special treatment," I whispered.

He gave me a half smile, saying, "Don't want the boss waiting. Come on."

I reluctantly followed him, and he spoke with the lady serving. She was the same one that had come to the ranch house those couple of times, and she had a large genuine smile for me.

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