Chapter 48

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We passed through the barnyard, Samson's smooth gait lulling me into leaning back into Aiden's comforting embrace around me. I couldn't believe just how comfortable I felt in his arms, on top of his stallion. Even though my heart was still throbbing with heartbreak concerning Brant, I knew where I belonged and with whom. Aiden was my heart's home, and having tasted a few moments of the utter anguish it would be to lose him, I was assured in my choice of where I belonged.

We crested the small hill that allowed you to look out over Thunderbird and to see a little of Bridlewood at the same time. Aiden slowed Samson to a standstill, and we just both sat there, looking out over Thunderbird.

"I will never forget that first moment I saw you, Taylor, nor that first time you trusted me enough to offer you a ride home. I had expected one of Zeke's unruly hands coming onto my land to make trouble when I rode up, and I was shocked to find you, a beautiful, innocent, and scared woman. I looked into your eyes, and I saw myself from years ago, but there was more. You scared me at the same time, Taylor." His words shocked me.

"What? What do you mean, Aiden?" I gasped out. He slid from the back of Samson and reached up for me, pulling me down to him, causing my breath to catch at the closeness of his body. He looked down into my eyes with his beautiful blue ones, studying me for a moment.

"One look at you, and I was hopelessly ensnared, Taylor, terrified by the feelings you brought out in me. Ones I hadn't felt since Jenny. The day you were fixing fence after we had met, and I rode up on you cooling off with that water jug....," he trailed off, and I heard the tiniest groan, his eyes darkened, looking into mine. He reached up and framed my face, bending down to whisper, "I couldn't sleep that night. That night you sat behind me so I could bring you home, I saw the courage I've come to admire in you. The same with the night I surprised you at the pond. You've had a hold on me from that first moment, that first look, that first touch."

"Oh, Aiden...." I gasped, laying a hand on his face. "That first moment you rode up on me, I was terrified because you had caught me out, but you also hypnotized me. It was like you could see right into my very soul with a single look, and somehow I felt drawn to opening up to you more than to any other. I now know it's because you're my heart's home, right where I belong. I had to cross the fence to get off of it, but I know without a doubt that you're where I belong. I love you, Aiden Patterson." A breathy laugh escaped him, one full of joy at my words, right before he bent and captured my mouth with his, kissing me with all the passion he felt for me.

My hand slid into his ebony hair, knocking his black stetson off his head to fall to the ground. I pulled him to me more, opening for his sexy tongue to slip in to tease me, driving me out of my mind for need of him. I felt his arms slide around my back, holding me to him as he kissed me, his warmth and love soaking into me through my shirt. I would never get enough of him.

He pulled back after stealing my breath, just like he had my heart a long time ago, and looked at me, into me, in his way.

"I love you, Taylor," he whispered in his rich, deep voice that gave me butterflies. He bent and gave me another quick kiss before releasing me, sinking down to grab his hat that had fallen to the ground, brushing it off.

"Now about that bunk? If you love me, does that mean you'll let me hang around as a ranch hand?" I laughed at my little joke, looking over at Thunderbird ranch.

"That's not exactly what I had pictured, Taylor," Aiden's amused voice drew my eyes back to him, and I gasped. He hadn't gotten up from the ground but was instead kneeling before me, holding out a small black box. My mouth fell open, and my heart stuttered before it picked up double time as he slowly opened the box. Inside was the most stunning diamond ring, glittering in the sunlight that had also started to change the skies into a blazing pink and orange.

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