Chapter 32

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"Aiden?" I asked him again, my brow wrinkling, uncertainty in my voice. "Is this about the date with Zeke? I mean, I know you heard, and I can explain," I said in an irritated tone, thinking of Zeke.

"Well, I was going to ask you about that, yes, but no. It's not about that. Would you like to tell me what that's about, exactly?" Aiden almost laughed.

I groaned and growled simultaneously, a hand slipping up to rub my face with irritation and dread. Aiden's laughter erupted from him, making him throw his head back at my reaction. Another look at my miserable expression had more laughter erupting from him, his beautiful smile opening wide, his dark blue eyes twinkling with a mischievous delight.

I glared at him and gave him a tiny shove that barely moved him as he sat beside me and smirked his evil delight. I grumbled a little more at him but couldn't stop the open-mouth laugh that escaped me at the smirk that he wore.

"Yes, well, as you can see, I'm absolutely dreading it," I said to him, shaking my head, looking down as my eyebrows shot up in disbelief.

"So how did that even happen, Taylor?" he laughed again.

I smiled up at him, still shaking my head. I appreciated how he didn't feel threatened by Zeke, but I couldn't help but wonder why I had seen a darkening of his eye when he had overheard Tyler.

"He wants to take me out tomorrow night as his way of 'making it up to me about the accident with the stampede. It's utterly ridiculous, and I wish I knew how to get out of it. I told him I was busy tonight because I had already asked Tyler to come here to meet you, but it was like he was going to file through the days until he found a free one to take me out. I figured I had better just get it over with as soon as possible. Honestly, I'm worried about it. He's still in my space, and I'm afraid he will try something."

"Where is he taking you, do you know?"

"Some place called 'Salt?'" Aiden's eyebrows shot up in surprise, and he looked impressed for a second, and then I watched as his face melted down into another smirk, his lips slightly quivering as he tried to hold in another laugh. I opened my mouth, incredulous at his reaction, and then a scowl came to my face, and I slugged him on the shoulder, almost hurting my hand on his muscled shoulder.

My scowl opened the gate for his deep laugh that had an air of teasing and something else I couldn't entirely place, but it still pulled a smile from me, making a blush rise to my cheeks. His smirk was still there like he was trying to reign in another fit of laughter.

Finally, I almost shouted, "What are you laughing at? It's not funny!" He laughed again, leaning away from me, and looked up at the porch ceiling, still grinning.

"Aiden!" He chuckled again, still looking up, before he turned his grin back down on me, bringing his hands up to lace his fingers behind his head. I glared at him again, and he just grinned at me, still chuckling. I growled at him, leaning back and crossing my arm in a pout, looking away from him out to the view.

"You better be careful pouting around me like that, Taylor. It gives me more ideas on what to do with those lips of yours." My mouth dropped open, and I turned my face to him.

His eyes had darkened, and his eyebrow lifted as he looked at me. His look sent a shiver down my spine, and my heart fluttered a little at the dark promise I saw in his eyes. I licked my lips nervously and glared at him again.

"What are you laughing at!?"

His predatory look turned to teasing again, and he finally said, "Sounds like I was right."

I huffed an irritated sigh at him, "Now, what does that mean?"

He laughed again and explained, "He's going all out for your date. Taking you there is practically proposing." I scoffed, scowling at him before I rolled my eyes and slumped back into the bench swing.

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