Chapter 13

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I rose early while it was still dark, pulling on a pair of jeans, a tank top, and my boots. I grabbed a granola bar and left my apartment. I left a note on my door saying I was out and wouldn't be back for the day, just in case the guys came looking for me.

I slipped out the back of the barn and snuck around the bunk house; I almost laughed at myself when I held my breath and was tempted to tiptoe by it. I walked down the lane toward the pond just as the sky started to lighten.

With each step, the butterflies in my stomach intensified; I couldn't wait to see him. I couldn't stop my eyes from roving around the area, looking for him, as soon as the pond came into view. I knew I was early, so I hadn't expected him to be there yet, but my eyes landed on him when I cleared the trees.

He was lying on the ground, leaning back against Samson, who was also lying down on Bridlewood's side. His black Stetson was covering his face, his hands folded in his lap, his ankles crossed as he relaxed. I walked up to him and stood over him, smiling at him.

"Now, who's trespassing?" I lightly teased. I saw the edge of his smile under the Stetson, and he pushed it up his face to look at me. His smile stayed, and it made my heart stutter as I looked into his deep blue eyes, mine colored with humor.

His eyes took in every inch of me and returned to my eyes, seeing the humor there. He stood up, and I angled my head to hold his gaze. He looked at me, amused.

"Come on, before Zeke pulls a rifle on me," he said, jerking his head toward Samson. He walked over, catching my hand to pull me after him.

The horse didn't move as Aiden straddled him, pulling me in front of him. His arm slipped around me again, and I gripped it, hanging onto him. He took up the reigns and kissed at the stallion, urging him gently. The stallion immediately pulled his front legs up, hopping up with his rear right after, coming to a stand while we sat on him. Aiden turned him, and he waded through the shallows back onto Thunderbird land.

We took off on a canter but soon were galloping out into the pasture.

"You still trust me this morning?" Aiden whispered in my ear from behind. I couldn't help laughing, turning my face to look up at him. He looked down at me and smiled, making me silently gasp. He was so handsome I almost gawked. I forced myself to turn away and look where we were going.

I felt him hold me tighter as he urged Samson into a run. I relaxed against him, breathing in the scents that seemed to be ever around him; leather, fresh hay, saddle soap, and his aftershave.

Could he feel my pulse pounding in my temple while leaning against his jaw? Could he feel my rapid, shallow breathing as I leaned against him? What about him moved me so much with the simplest of touches? Did he credit the effect he had on me to riding?

I realized at that moment that I felt safe in his arms, even though I was on top of a massive running stallion. The thought stole my breath; I hadn't trusted another man this way since that fateful ride with my father. The thought had a small silent sob escaping me.

I felt Aiden turn to look down at me. "You afraid?" he whispered. I shook my head 'no.'

We crested the hill, and Aiden pulled up, slowing us to a walk as his ranch came into view.

"First lesson. Never run your horse all the way home if you can help it," his deep voice said into my ear. I sucked in a breath and nodded. "Slow when you get close and take them in calmly, or you'll teach them to run home, even when you don't want them to. They can become impossible to restrain if it gets bad enough," he explained in my ear.

I looked at him, and he returned my look, studying me. His calm way of studying me had me blushing and turning away from him. I felt him looking at me a moment longer before he turned his face back up.

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