Chapter 6

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My eyes were drug away from the blue pair as more of the guys surrounded me, laughing.

"Come on, Taylor! Let's go show these idiots how to dance!" Brant laughed at me with his beautiful smile. I smiled at him and let him take me by the hand, leading me onto the dance floor.

He pulled me to him and started dancing us to the upbeat music, hopping and skipping around, spinning me around, making my red dress float and twirl with me. I was laughing in mere seconds, delighting in this fun side of Brant. He would go from holding me close to bouncing to the beat and spinning me around, making my dress and hair fly out. He wore a bright smile for me the entire time, and every time our eyes would meet, there was an intensity there, passing between us.

He spun me out, and suddenly my hand was captured, and I was pulled from Brant, right into Tyler's arm. We started dancing in the same style, and he had me laughing even harder as he teased me by leaning over me, acting like he was going to steal a kiss.

Another one of the guys, Jason, stole me from Tyler, and I started dancing with him, still laughing and smiling. I looked around and realized that the entire posse of guys had followed Brant and me onto the floor. There were a few women at the pub, but most of them seemed like they had a date, which left me with all twenty-some of them.

The song changed, and another guy jumped in to take Jason's spot, taking the chance to spin me around the floor. Six different guys suddenly surrounded me, and we all started dancing together. I would dance alone in the center, moving, and occasionally, one would reach out to spin or dip me and put me back up while I laughed.

Tyler snuck into the fold surrounding me and pulled me to him to dance with me, getting dirty looks, and a friendly tussle broke out as I was torn from him, smiling and laughing on all sides. I was snatched from him and lifted in the air, like a toy being kept away from a child, making me screech. I was set on a broad shoulder, and an arm encircled my thighs to keep me in place, making me laugh. I got tossed off and caught, whipped away to keep dancing with the group.

The music changed to a favorite one for line dancing, and all the guys lined up, putting me in the middle of them. I locked arms with Brant and Steve, and we started dancing, releasing our arms when it was time to turn and clap, resting our fists on our hips. We clapped and turned, dancing up and down for a moment. We clapped, turned again, and were facing the tables when I looked up and saw Aiden watching me.

I tried not to stare at him, focusing on my dancing, but I could still feel his eyes on me as I laughed and clapped. We turned again, shimmying to the music. I couldn't remember the last time I had had so much fun or laughed and smiled so much.

The song ended, and I was whipped away by another one of my cowboy crew to dance to another upbeat song while I smiled and laughed. The music changed, and I was pulled to Brant. He slowly twirled me and pulled me close, dancing gently to the slow love song. My peripheral caught sight of the other guys heading off to the bar to get mugs of beer, settling in a bunch of tables.

A small smile captured my lips as I looked up at Brant. His green eyes focused entirely on mine, making my heart flutter. I couldn't stop my eyes from stealing a glance at his lips, those lips that had almost kissed mine earlier that day. Lord, but he was handsome, his green eyes crinkling when he smiled at me with affection.

I was keenly aware of the rest of the guys' eyes on us, but that didn't stop what passed between our eyes in the dark of the dance floor. It also didn't stop Brant from gently caressing me with his thumbs on my back and on our hands, making my lips part as I looked at him. My hold on his shoulder shifted a little, holding him the tiniest fraction closer, but he seemed very aware of the change.

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