Chapter 14

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I turned and walked back to the mess hall wearing a blush and the tiniest smile; a woman with a secret. I entered and was all quiet, absorbed in my thoughts.

"Whooooo! There's my girl!" I started and looked up to Tyler, grabbing and spinning me around. He looked down at me, and his eyebrows shot up. He grabbed my chin to hold my face so he could study me more. I looked down and blushed even more.

"Well, well. You sneak off with Brant again or what, baby girl? What has you blushing like that?" He rubbed his thumb up my jaw as he continued to look at me. A few of the closer guys turned to observe, hearing Tyler. "Where you been all day anyways, baby girl?" Tyler asked me. There was no way I could be honest, so I just smirked, holding onto my secret.

I shrugged and said, "Out and about." I turned to face the front of the line, and Marney rescued me by striking up a small conversation with me. I took my plate and went and sat in the far corner, still feeling quiet and contemplative about my time with Aiden. The thought of the following Sunday and meeting him again had me blushing again as I stared down at my plate.

"Boy, whatever you have been up to, must be good to keep you blushing like that," Tyler said, dropping down into the chair next to me. I glared at him with a smirk and slugged him, making him laugh.

"Drop it, Ty," I said to him. He laughed and started eating.

"You call me that, and I'll do anything you want, baby girl," he winked. I rolled my eyes but couldn't stop laughing at him as the table filled up around us.

It felt like I was floating in a dream; even my days in the office weren't bothering me this week. It was Wednesday, and I had just finished my work when Zeke again asked to speak with me with the door shut. This time I didn't approach him. I simply shut the door and turned, leaving my hand on the knob, as a signal that I wasn't going to stay long. Zeke stood and walked up to me instead, looking down at me.

"You care to tell me what was going on Saturday when I spotted you being carried by Tyler?" Thank god he didn't see what had followed, or I might be in serious trouble.

"Just a little fun. Tyler was teasing, and it didn't bother me. There's no problem, Zeke, and I assure you, I'll tell you if one ever comes up," I said calmly. He leaned over me with a hand on his office door.

"You're sure?" He asked, reaching up to caress my face with a finger. My heart sped up, and I had difficulty not stepping back from him.

Instead, I smiled at him and said, "I'm sure. Excuse me; I have some plans." He looked at me a moment longer, his face close to mine, and finally nodded, leaning up, drawing his hand along the door as he did, making me shiver. He perused me again and finally removed his hand from the door, letting me escape.

I gave a relieved gasp and almost ran out of the house, smack into Tyler and Brant. Tyler caught me by the shoulders as I squeaked in fright. Brant could see on my face that something was wrong.

"Excuse me!" I said, removing myself from Tyler's grip. I walked fast toward my apartment and broke into a run before I was even halfway across the yard. I ran up the stairs and went into my apartment.

I changed into my swimsuit covered by shorts and a shirt right before a knock at my door sounded. I pulled my boots on and grabbed a towel. I opened my door, and Brant and Tyler stood there, looking concerned.

My lips pressed into a thin line, and I shoved my way onto the landing. I turned and locked my apartment and squeezed by them down the stairs, and started walking out the barn.

"Taylor! Wait," Brant called. They caught up to me. "What's wrong?" Brant asked. I looked at him.

"I'm heading to the watering hole. See ya," I breathed and took off at a jog. I heard them talking, and then I heard someone coming after me.

On the FenceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora