Chapter 28

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"By the looks of it, you more than just met him once," a voice met my ears from inside the barn, making me suck in a gasp and turn, my heart fluttering, changing to a hard hammering inside my chest. A tall, dark form moved in the dark of the barn, coming toward me. The dark form walked over to Pearl's stall and opened the door for me to walk her inside.

My face was on fire with the flush that rose to them as I took ahold of Pearl's bridle and led her inside the stall; he shut the door behind us but leaned over it to watch me as I unsaddled and unbridled Pearl. I was biting my lips the whole time as my face and neck burned from being caught out.

When I was finished, I walked back up to the stall door, looking at the ground. He opened the door for me, not saying anything, but I could feel his eyes on me.

"Look," I started, but he held up his hand to stop me, motioning up to my apartment.

I glanced around me, suddenly aware that there could be more ears about. I fished my key out of my jeans as I walked up the spiral staircase. I opened my door and stepped inside, holding the door for him to follow me, and shut it before I turned to face him.

He walked up close to me, looking down at me, stoic, as he reached out behind me and flicked the light switch on, illuminating the room and my flush. I couldn't meet his eyes. I guiltily stared at the floor, waiting for what he would say.

"How long has this been going on?" I finally looked up and met his gaze.

"Almost from the second week of working here. At first, it was just him helping me to get over my fear of horses but then," I let my words slip off, looking back down at the floor again.

"Well, I guess that explains why he's been paying attention to you, greeting you, and even rescuing you," he whispered.

"I never lied," I said, feeling guilty. It was true; I had been careful with my words.

"I realize that, but you weren't exactly being forthcoming either, baby girl," he whispered, pulling me into a hug. I sighed and wrapped my arms around Tyler's waist, relaxing against him as he hugged me.

He sighed and sucked in a breath before saying, "Damn, you could not have picked a bigger hornet's nest to poke, you know, darlin? What the hell are you thinking?"

I pulled back and looked into his black eyes, mine full of vulnerability, as I answered honestly, "I'm in love with him, Tyler." His eyebrows shot up in surprise, and he looked to the side, reaching up to hold the top of his forehead, scratching it in shock at my words.

His eyes flicked back to mine, and he asked, "What about Brant? Did I get that wrong too, baby girl?" My face contorted with guilt and pain.

"No," I whispered, pulling away from him, "You didn't get that wrong."

I walked past him, cupping my face with my hands as I stared at the floor, trying not to cry again.

"You're in love with them both?" A sob escaped me, and I nodded. He came over and led me to sit on the couch next to him.

"No wonder you looked so guilty when I teased you about having room in your heart for two," he said, almost to himself. "I guess it's safe to say Brant doesn't know?" I shook my head 'no.' "You gonna tell him, Darlin?" I looked up at him and whispered,

"It's not that simple, Ty."

"Well, that is for damn sure. Should be callin' you 'trouble maker' or 'pot-stirrer,' instead of 'baby girl,'" he laughed. I couldn't help getting a smile at his teasing tone.

"You going to rat me out, Ty?" I asked, looking at him.

He glowered at me and pointed a finger at me as he said, "I should turn you over my knee, for multiple reasons, but especially for thinking I would do that. You should know me better than that, baby girl." He glared at me for a moment; my word, was he pouting, crossing his arms?

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