Chapter 3

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The pitchfork scraped along the floor of the last stall I was working on with a grinding sound. The thunk of whacking it on the side of the wheelbarrow soon followed as I dumped my load. I had made quick work of the stalls over the early morning and was just finishing up the last stall.

I finished the last scoop, moved the wheelbarrow out of the stall, and spread the fresh hay over the ground. I pushed the wheelbarrow to the pile of soiled straw and manure and dumped my load there. I washed the wheelbarrow out and the pitchfork and put them away.

I then went up to my apartment, put my pistol on my belt, and got my hat and water bottle ready. I exited my apartment, locked it, and headed down the stairs. I walked across the stables and left the barn, wondering where I might find Brant.

Just as I emerged from the barn, I saw him coming out of the ranch house with Zeke. I walked up to them with a smile on my face. Zeke smiled back, wearing another expensive tailored, western-style suit, matching stetson, and shiny cowboy boots. They were talking number of head on the back pasture and checking in. Zeke's eyes turned back on me.

"Good morning, Ms. Lundsen. How are you settling in?"

I smiled at him and answered, "It's Taylor, if you please, and I'm doing fine. Holding my own, I think." Brant started laughing, drawing Zeke's eyes.

Brant answered his look, "Taylor's a rattler with the guys. They're learning not to mess with her too much, or she strikes out of nowhere!" He was laughing through his answer. "Pretty sure Mike physically jerked back from her on one of her retorts when he was heckling her too much. Deserved it too," he said. Zeke smiled appreciatively at Brant and then me.

"Glad to hear it, Taylor."

I gave him a nod and turned to Brant, "I'm ready if you are." He seemed pleased and nodded at me, turning back to Zeke.

"I guess we'll catch up when you get back from your meeting." Zeke nodded at him and motioned at me to follow him as he walked over to his very nice truck.

"Taylor, though I'm not worried too much, I want to make it clear to you that if you have any problems with any of the men, you can bring it to Brant or myself, alright?" His hazel eyes were intense as they looked back into my blue ones.

"Thank you, Mr. Bailey," I smiled at him.

"Of course. And you may call me Zeke, Taylor." I was surprised at his offered familiarity but nodded.

"Thank you, Zeke," I said. It felt strange saying his name; he was my boss and the owner.

"Sure thing. Why don't you come over to the house after work and give me an update on your day after your through?"

I was surprised but nodded, "Sure, thanks."

He gave me a charming half-smile and dipped his hat at me before climbing into his truck.

I backed away near Brant, and we watched him start it up and drive off. Brant cleared his throat and had a look of surprise on his face.

I suddenly felt nervous, "What?"

He looked at me, and his look of surprise changed to make his green eyes teasing as he answered, "Well then." He used a tone that made it sound like those two words were supposed to answer my question.

"What, Brant?"

"On a first-name basis with him already. Tyler was right. You do move fast."

My mouth popped open in mild outrage and shut on a scowl as I slugged him on the arm. He was laughing as he stumbled back a step, winking at me. I blushed and looked down but couldn't keep my eyes from his magnetic green ones.

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