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Nausheen was blessed with twins; one boy and one girl

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Nausheen was blessed with twins; one boy and one girl. Anahita played with the toddlers- Faiz and Firdous.

"My mother-in-law named them." She rolled her eyes.

Anahita smiled, picking up the baby girl in a pink tutu dress. Carefully, she placed the kid on her lap.

"Beautiful names."

A middle-aged woman came with a tray carrying tea in porcelain cups. Behind her, Badi Ammi walked into the living room.

"Are you girls enjoying the reunion?"

"Yes." Nausheen was her usual excited self. Anahita nodded. She took the teacup with grace. The maid got busy plating biscuits.

"Asif is praying? Are his chair and all arranged properly?" Badi Ammi's voice rang with pain. Anahita lowered her head. She heard Nausheen answer.

Badi Ammi sighed, refusing the tea, - "Get me sherbet." Then she relaxed on the couch.

"My bacha, such a bright kid. I told Elanor to not skip taking him to Peer Baba. First-born sons are always vulnerable to the evil eye. And see what happened? Someone's evil shadow fell on him." She let out a sob.

Anahita gave her a sympathetic look. She recollected her mothers-in-law's advice to be protective of Aryaman; extra protective. As a mother, Anahita connected with Badi Ammi.

Nausheen rolled her eyes, - "Dadijaan and you never let a chance go without blowing verses on him. Even from Bhopal, you said. Now, pray that he recovers."

Anahita cleared her throat, - "Asif is being adamant else, doctors can surely cure him."

Badi Ammi scoffed, - "How much can a doctor do? This evil cast on him isn't letting him think straight. First, we have to get rid of that."

Nausheen opened her mouth to counter when a feminine voice spoke over her, - "I know who that evil shadow is."

Anahita's head shot in the voice's direction. Husna stood at the door, casting a glare toward her. Nausheen sighed. She reached out to hold Anahita's hand.

THE BAD GIRL- Anahita ✔️Where stories live. Discover now