Frank Iero x Reader - Study Break

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The speed at which he went from childishly playful to caring and serious might one day give you whiplash.

"When was the last time you minded your own business," you answered, sitting up again, so your back was to him and leaning over the book once more, checking the sheet of paper besides it to see which exercise you had to do next.

"I'm serious. You won't learn anything without proper breaks."

You had lost count of how many times you had lead similar conversations with him in the past weeks.

"I know, just another..." you counted the numbers on the sheet, "another 4 exercises."

"How about-" you felt Frank move behind you, before he leant over your shoulder and reached for a piece of cut strawberry, "you do these exercises after the break."

Placing his other hand on your chin, he turned your head enough to feed you the piece of strawberry, which most definitely made your face heat up. If he noticed, he did not say anything, and instead watched you with raised eyebrows, as you unhappily chewed on the fruit. But you had to admit, the sweet taste and intense aroma was better than most of the stuff you had had in the last weeks, if not months.


Begrudgingly you nodded in agreement, making Frank smile.

"See, not that hard."

He reached for another piece of fruit, intending to continue feeding you, but you turned your head away, trying to maintain some sort of pride.

"I can eat myself, thanks," you mumbled, and took the piece of apple from Frank.

"Fine, but then do it," he replied, not at all salty, rather amused. He knew how close to a breakdown you were due to all the stress and the pressure of performing well both on stage and in the upcoming exam.

With a deep sigh you popped the apple in your mouth, and grabbed the plate before turning so your back was leaning against the outside of the bus. A victorious grin spread over Frank's face as he watched you take a cracker first, before he grabbed a few grapes for himself. Sitting in silence you shared the food he had brought for you. It was a comfortable silence, one you were only able to share with him, nobody else. And yet the whole time you noticed him watching you. By the time you had finished eating, your mood had brightened a little, and quizzically you looked at Frank.

"What is it?"

Frank shrugged, his eyes scanning your face worriedly.

"Just... you need to take better care of yourself, you know?"

You sighed, having heard the same sermon many times already.

"I know, I know," you shook your head. "But it's not like I can pass this exam without studying for it."

"That's not- Listen, I have the highest respect for you, doing both the band and college at the same time, and I know you have to study. It's just... I think you'd do still way good enough with a little less stressing yourself out. I just don't want you to- I don't know, have a breakdown or something."

"I'm having a breakdown approximately every thirty minutes," you joked humourlessly.

"And that's the problem! I mean, how much did you sleep last night, huh?" Frank scooted a little closer to you, taking the plate out of your hand and placing it next to the untouched glass of strawberry milk on the little shelf. "Four hours? Five at max, right?"

You only shrugged in response, not feeling like telling him that it had probably been closer to three than to four hours.

"Please," Frank pleaded, his eyes big as he grabbed your hands in his rough ones. "Take breaks, take a walk or a nap, eat something, drink a glass of water- I don't care what, just take better care of yourself."

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