NM X Female Reader "My Princess"

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No matter, I'd find out soon, and I was nearly at the Baymyer's farm. I met Mrs. Baymyer out front and she greeted me warmly, expecting me.

"Hello there dear. And how are you today?" The older woman asked sweetly, wiping her hands on the front of her dress to rid them of the soil from the garden she had been working in.

"I'm good Mrs. Baymyer. How are you and Mr. Baymyer?" I couldn't help but steal a glance out of the corner of my eye to see the onslaught of grey horses with their armed riders riding closer to us.

"Quite well dear. I see you have something for us." I handed her the basket of berries.

"Of course. I always do." I chuckled, taking the jug of milk the other woman offered me gratefully.

"You don't happen to know why the royal guards are visiting today do you?" I couldn't keep the curiosity out of my voice as we both checked to see how far away they were now.

"No clue. It's quite odd indeed." I hung around to see if they'd make a stop at the Baymyer's farm and sure enough, one of the guards on the outside of the group offered me and Mrs. Baymyer each a letter before continuing on his way.

I took the envelope and ran my thumbs over the smooth, expensive paper, taking notice of the royal signature stamped in gold on the front keeping it sealed. I shared a confused look with the other woman before thanking her and tucking the letter into my pocket for later, deciding it better to let father hear its contents with me.

I bid Mrs. Baymyer a good day and returned to the path to follow the hoard of horses back into the village.

As I walked the cobblestone streets once more I saw nearly everyone either holding an envelope or reading the contents within, most seeming very excited by the news. What could possibly be going on?

I finally made it back to the cottage and took the milk inside before going to find father and show him the letter.

"Ah y/n. You've returned. How are the Baymyer's doing today?" He asked kindly, cleaning up his workspace from earlier.

"They're doing just fine father. The royal guards are in the village passing out letters. I was waiting until I got home to read it so that you could see it as well." I pulled the cream colored paper out of my pocket and removed the wax seal, pulling out the single sheet of paper within.

"It reads: Royal Ball this Friday night starting at 9pm. The youngest of the Black princess's are looking to be wed. They are hosting a ball to find someone suitable for her." My eyes scanned the sheet of paper making sure I hadn't missed anything before passing it to father for him to read as well.

"A ball. How exciting. They haven't thrown a ball that included the commoners in ages. You should go y/n. Have a bit of fun. Perhaps even take Jeremiah." I rolled my eyes at his attempts to try and get me to spend more time with the man.

"I have far too much to do that is much more important than a silly old ball. Plus, I'm sure Jeremiah will be swooning over the princess alongside the rest of the men in the village." He couldn't deny that and just chuckled.

"You should still go my dear. You need a night out, away from the cottage." I sighed and agreed to think about it just to appease the man, not actually intending to go.

Fictional Character One-Shots And ShortsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora