“What’s wrong with her?”


      “What’s going on?”

      I can hear their muffled voices and words, but for some reason I can’t answer back. I can’t take my hands off my ears, can’t open my eyes, can’t say anything.


      The last thing I remember is his arms going around me as I fall off my chair.


   When I wake up I am no longer in the cafeteria, instead, I am in my room, in my bed, back at home.

My door opens and Wendy steps in, holding a bowl and a cup in each hand. I sit up and when she sees me she smiles slightly and walks to the side of my bed in which I lay in.

“Hello there Dear.” She says softly, setting the bowl and cup down at the table beside me and the smell of soup wafts into my nose.

“What happened?” I ask her, confused on why I am here and not at school like I am supposed to be. It was two thirty three from what my clock is telling me and I know I should still be there.

Then what happened in the cafeteria flashes through my mind.

“You went into some kind of shock at your lunch break and fainted. The nurse told Rodger to bring you home.” She tells me softly.


She nods, her lips turning up in a smile.

“He was pretty worried about you, had to practically pry you from him and throw him out the door.” She says still smiling.

I want to smile but I hold it in and will save it for when she leaves the room. She watches me in silence for a moment and then sighs.

“Well here is some soup and Gatorade to get you stable.” She tells me, gesturing to the food on the table and smiles again. “I have to run to the store, you going to be okay here alone? I picked Kale up from daycare and he is napping in his room, can you handle him if he wakes up?”she asks me and I nod. “The boys all have sports today and I think Rodger is going to watch them practice but judging by how he acted with what happened today, I think he will skip that.” She says with a wink and I hold back another smile and nod instead.

“Yea, I’ll be fine.” I say instead and she nods again.

“Alright then, I am going to go ahead and leave so I can get back as soon as I can.” She says before turning around and walking from the room.

I shut my eyes and lay my head onto the pillow going back over what she had just down saying.

Went into some kind of shock and fainted.

Beware of the Parker Boys *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now