Chapter 13 - Ron's an idiot

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"Morning sleeping beauty," Draco sniggered as I stretched, opening my eyes and wincing at the light while my eyes adjusted.

"Let me guess, hair in my face?" I asked, looking at Draco once my eyes had returned to normal to see him watching me with an amused expression. No doubt i looked horrendous.

"Yep," he confirmed.

"Smudged makeup?"


"Dried drool?"

"A little."

"Sorry," I chuckled sheepishly, running a hand over my face in an attempt to wipe the drool and wipe away some of the smudged mascara. But ultimately I had a feeling I was making it worse.

"You may look a little like a troll but I find it oddly adorable," he laughed as I swatted playfully at him for his comment.

"Like you look any better," I huffed, looking over at him to see him giving me a smirk as he lay against the headboard in all his shirtless glory. Draco was a morning person apparently.

"Darling, please," he scoffed, gesturing to himself and I rolled my eyes at him.

"One day you're going to get punched and then you won't look so pretty," I teased.

"You've already given me a black eye before, and I'd rather not repeat it," he said and I looked at him confused, wracking my brain to try and remember. I'd have thought it'd be something I'd take great pride in.

"Two summers ago your parents brought you to our house for a garden party and you went down to the lake to swim. My parents asked me to go and spend time with you so I followed you down and was going to say hi to you when you raised your arms to take off your over layer when your elbow collided with my face," he said and I looked at him wide eyed.

"I had no idea that was you! I thought I'd just hit the tree!" I said realising I'd been the reason he'd been sporting a black eye all summer.

"Nope, it was me. I was about to announce my presence before you whacked me and dove into the lake. I ran away quickly," he confessed and I had to laugh imagining him rushing to tell his father who probably just laughed.

"God I'm sorry! I really had no idea, but you shouldn't sneak up on people. Especially when they're changing," I pointed out, trying to make an excuse for the accident.

"I'd happily walk in on you changing any day," he said with a cheeky wink.

"Speaking of changing, I should get dressed. No doubt Amy is wondering where I am and I promised the trio I'd see them," I said, swinging my legs out from under the covers, noticing how Draco watched my bare legs intently.

"God a tiny bit of skin and your all horned up," I laughed and he rolled his eyes at me.

"That's more than a little love, I can see your ass, but waking up next to you was all I needed anyway to imagine other scenarios where we'd be in bed together," he said with a cheeky grin.

"Well, those scenarios will have to wait for now," I pointed out as I grabbed my jeans and slipped into them, not bothering to change out of Draco's jumper right now as it didn't look too bad.

"One step at a time," Draco said with a smirk as he rolled out of bed, picking up his shirt and tossing it on lazily, not bothering to do the buttons up. "You got a date for Slughorn's party yet?" Draco asked and I shook my head. Truthfully I was planning to go alone seeing as my friends had dates already and I couldn't be seen with Draco. And there is no way I was taking Cormac!

"Want to be my date?" Draco asked and I raised an eyebrow at him questioningly.

"But everyone will be there, isn't that a little too obvious for them?" I pointed out but he chuckled.

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