I made it to the pond and threw my towel down on the picnic table. I didn't wait to strip off my shirt and shorts, my bikini underneath.

"Taylor," Brant said, reaching for me. I pulled from him and ran into the water, diving under the surface, disappearing. I swam underwater for as long as I could before I surfaced. I kept swimming as I felt like crying.

Why was I completely comfortable with twenty half-naked men doing a striptease around me, kissing me even and a slight touch from Zeke had me turning into a basket case?

I finally pulled up and brushed my hair back from my face, but my hands stayed on my head, holding myself. My face leaned toward the water, and a quiet sob escaped me. I was pulled to a chest in the water, and arms came around me.

"Taylor, what happened?" I felt another set of hands on my back, comforting me. I tried to pull myself together.

"Come on, baby girl, tell us what's the matter?" I took a deep breath and melted into Brant.

"What happened in the office, Taylor?" Brant whispered, looking down at me. I heard a noise of surprise from Tyler. My arms went around Brant's neck, and he held me close as I rested against him, breathing calmly.

"What did Zeke do, Taylor?" I heard another noise from Tyler, a small gasp?

"He saw Tyler carrying me the other day and asked me about it."

"You know what I mean. What did he do?" I drew in a breath and sat up to look him in the eye. His green eyes were intense but soft at the same time.

"Brant," I drawled out his name, feeling like I didn't want to say it.

"Tell me, Taylor," he said, making me sigh.

"It was the same as the other times. Nothing really wrong, but still. I don't know. He leaned over me, holding the office door closed and." I huffed a sigh. "And he touched my face this time." I heard Brant sigh as he pulled me up against him again, cradling me in his arms.

"What the hell?" Tyler asked. I could hear protectiveness and shock in each syllable. "How long has this been going on?"

I released Brant to look at Tyler, "Since I started working in the office. Zeke never really does anything; it's just, I don't know. Oppressively creepy? I felt totally fine Saturday night with all of you but one little touch from him, and here I am, a basket case. I don't know."

I felt like I was rambling, and a blush of shame colored my cheeks, making me look down. Tyler pulled me to him for a hug, and I wrapped my arms around his waist.

"You want us to go beat the shit out of him, baby girl?" Tyler whispered, looking down at me. I laughed. I looked up at him and put an affectionate hand on his face.

"You're sweet. But no, I need this job, and you need yours. Until he actually does something wrong, there's nothing to be done. If he sees you guys carrying me around, he probably thinks I'm down with whatever."

Both guys were about to protest when a bunch of whooping and jeering met our ears. We three turned to see the other guys coming down the lane. They were all in their swimming trunks, holding beer cans above their heads, and some carried trays of food and paper plates.

"Marney sent us on a picnic to find you guys!" I started laughing. "Hey! You two dick heads, stealing the girl off for an evening dip without us!" Steve laughed. He dropped what he was holding and rushed into the water.

He pulled me from Tyler and threw me up to sit on his shoulder, holding my thighs. I instantly felt better, surrounded by my bustling, rowdy bunch of guys that made me smile and feel light. The rope swing was suddenly in use.

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