Fate: The Winx Saga (What the actual fuck was this show)

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This was supposed to be a bullet point on the final epilogue rant, but it got way too long, so this is the result. I think it's fair to assume that everyone knows this series is a (very loose) adaptation of the Winx Club animated series. Also, I started this rant before I watched the Netflix adaptation, but realizing that I truly won't be able to understand the absolute fuckery of it all if I didn't watch the Netflix series, I forced myself through all six episodes.

Once again: What the actual fuck was this adaptation.

Like where's the style, where's the fucking power that the OG series had?

Like compare all of this:

Like compare all of this:

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(Also Dark Bloom, cause that version was a MOOD):

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(Also Dark Bloom, cause that version was a MOOD):

(Also Dark Bloom, cause that version was a MOOD):

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With this:

Like listen. I don't care that the plot and lore of the world changed or that Bloom has major parental issues (actually, yeah I do, bc she had a perfectly functional and loving relationship with her adoptive parents, why tf would you change that—), or that Stella has mommy issues (eh, this one's debatable. While I really don't like what the series did to Stella, the conflict with her mom was a bit more realistic as the only heir to Solaria).

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