Looking Back (and a final Goodbye)

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So...we finally reached the end! Man, time really fucking flies by you, doesn't it? I remember when I first started this book. Admittedly, I only started this book because these were super popular wayyy back in 2015/2014. But eventually this kinda became a place when I could just...voice my opinion on certain things when a blog post or a tweet doesn't suffice and I didn't want it to blow outta proportion.

I think it's safe to say that I've grown out of Wattpad over the years, and that I'm actually in the process of moving my fanfics over to AO3 (more on that later).

But man....a lot has changed since I started this book, especially my older rants at the beginning. Some of them certainly haven't aged well, jfc. Especially the rant where I talked about milking a series for its content. I was way too easy on JKR that time.

Like even if I do go back at times and add edits to expand on something or add in a changed opinion.....yeah, I guess I have my own version of a cringe fest in this book of mine 😂

Lowkey some of my first rants are still getting votes and reads and comments, and it's just weird reading them now and going, "wow I was a fool". On one hand, I really wanna edit them, but on the other, they're kind of a Time Capsule by this point, it really doesn't make any sense to. This book is kinda like a mutation of changing opinions as I grew up. I initially started this when I was in my senior year of HS and now it's been two years I've graduated college, which means it's been about 8 years since I started this book. So I think it's for the best that I close out this book and a small part of my life her on Wattpad.

But before I go any further, I want to also voice my opinions of some things that are not gonna get a separate rant:

1) Trials of Apollo

So I picked up this series after I heard the final book was out and read some people praising Apollo's character development in the series. And after reading the books myself, i can't fault them for it. This series is actually really good! I'm not joking, I thought it would a bit tiring to read the same "save the world" quest but I liked that these books were somewhat on a smaller scale and that they weren't afraid to get on the dark side of the situation for a bit. Don't get me wrong, the danger in the books still has massive ramifications for both Apollo and the world combined if Apollo didn't succeed. But by smaller scale, I mean that the focus was kept mostly on Apollo and the consequences of his relationships, both current and past. I also really liked how his relationship with his kids was fleshed out throughout the series, it really is wholesome. Like literally, Apollo's relationship with Will Solace is the most sweetest thing on the planet. I'm oddly the biggest sucker for these relationships, sue me.

Also, because the books weren't afraid to get on the dark side a bit, some of the deaths and situations they got into were fucking brutal. Like adding to the "all bets are off" tone of the series, we also got a major character dying brutally. For the sake of spoilers, I won't say much or who, but for context, just read The Burning Maze, cause holy shit.

And Tower of Nero hit even more different, like it felt more profound than the previous TOA books, the PJO and HOO series combined. Honestly tho, some of the shit that goes on in TON was fucking dark for the PJO universe, and I mean that in the best way possible. I think this tweet I made a year back on Twitter would explain how I feel:

 I think this tweet I made a year back on Twitter would explain how I feel:

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