You saw the last time after the kidnapping when the tensions were running high. Practically all my secrets came out. So now imagine that but 10X times.

But it is also fun when someone else is the target.

"Who took the lambo?" I asked when the plane took off.

"Zale, he had a late meeting about buying a club. You know club deals equals to late nights and lots of boozing. So he will be coming in the morning. He decided to make it a drive."

"He stole my idea," I said when the seat belt lights went off. I picked up my backpack and unbuckled myself.

"No he doesn't plan to skip out on family vaca" Dora said as I went to the back room and changed.

I didn't go out after that, instead I stayed in the back and completed all the work I could miss out in the week. Because that house was a no work zone.

I guess Nia and Dora had the same idea as when the plane landed and I walked out of the room I saw Nia and Dora wrapping up all they're work stuff.

When we reached the house it was 10. We were the first people to reach so we just had dinner and went to bed.

Everyone should be here by morning.

Maybe being here with family I will forget about Abby's finally. I have been thinking too much about her and if my plan of avoiding her isn't working then I got to come up with something now. I thought as I changed into PJ's.

I put Abby's bracelet on my night stand as I put my clothes in the laundry basket.

This place was like a huge estate. One main house and the other smaller place, we call it the playhouse as it was like a gaming center and housed the gym and stuff. The main house had 14 rooms and 10 bedrooms in the playhouse. Everyone had to pair up. That was the rule.

The Parents rooms were on a different floor. The couples had to stay in different rooms unless they were married like Spencer and Agueste. But I guess this year Zale and Dora would be sharing a room as they are engaged so Nia lost her roommate and there is a high possibility Danny and I won't be rooming together.

So this year I won't be sharing a room with anyone as Danny would room with Nia. The only other person to have a solo room is Annie but that is because she has a kid.

So this estate is big enough to house everyone and their significant other after they get married but till you get married you share a room with someone. So it's a big thing I would be getting to room solo. Not like I'm complaining.

We have a pool in the backyard but we barely used it because the backyard also led to the lake. The pool was there for us to use when we were younger as we couldn't go to the lake without an adult.

I slept peacefully through the night but woke up to commotion. I guess everyone is here. I looked at the time and it was 8am.

It's a miracle no one woke me up. I changed into work out pants, sports bra and a sports jacket after brushing my teeth.

When I walked downstairs I found Sofia and mom in the Kitchen cooking breakfast. As others were complaining to Franc and Neal.

"What's going on?" I asked as I walked closer to the commotion.

"The adults think they need to assign us roommates because of what happened last year." Oh shit. I guess no more solo rooms. So we have this prank war. I have no clue how it started but it's there now and last year Alfie and Navy went too far they practically destroyed their room and drenched Amber in maple syrup.

I don't know why they think putting them in different rooms is going to help.

"Listen up!" Bella yelled out, silencing everyone.

"Unless and until you want to sleep on the lawn your going to shut your mouth and stay in the rooms assigned to you." Everyone nodded and didn't say a word. For some reason everyone was scared of Bella, even the adults.

"Nia you and Danny are sharing a room" she said as she started reading out from her phone. "Navy your with Drew, Jack and Alfie, Leo and Wolf, Lily and Zinnia. The couples of course share a room and Annie has her own room and usual." She then locked her phone and looked up "Now scatter and find yourself a room." Well it was the same as I had expected with minor changes.

"Why does Willow get to bunk alone?" Lily asked with her arms crossed smugly thinking they forgot to match me up with someone. Everyone had gotten up to find a room for themselves.

"Cause I'm the odd man out" I said as I walked to the kitchen and poured myself a glass of orange juice.

"Oh she's not" Jazz said with a smirk as I looked at her confused.

"We are here" I turned around to see Zale enter the house smiling as he walked towards us.

"You will be rooming with Abigail," Mama said. I was so distracted by who Zale had entered with I didn't hear what mama said at first.

When I registered what mama had said I looked at her confused.

"What? Why? We have a million guest rooms. On top of it this is a family vacation. Why is my employee here?" I whisper yelled not wanting Abby to hear me.

"Wilhelmina, Andy is family and Abigail is his niece so she is family. Plus you know the rules. You share a room. It won't be fair to others if you bunk solo." Mama said with a stern tone practically warning me to shut my mouth but this wasn't fair. I won't be forced to share a room with her.

"Has anyone asked our guest if she is ok with sharing a room with me. After all I am her boss" I said with a smirk. This was a very logical reasoning. As if on queue Abby and Dora walked into the kitchen. Abby was dressed in formal pants paired with a band tee and black belt.

"Morning" Abby said when she saw everyone. She looked a bit nervous. Anyone would be when everyone was looking at them. She curtsied when she saw my moms, Sofia and Ella.

"Morning Abigail, you don't have to do that." Mama said with a smile as Andy walked in wearing a short and Hawaiian tee. "Hey," he said with a smile when he saw Abby.

"Yes ma'am" he said nodding towards mama.

"Also you can just call us by our name Skye." She said with a smile and Abby nodded. Everyone had gathered in the dining area at this point. The dining table was right in front of the kitchen.

"Let me introduce you to everyone. You know my wife Kat. This is Franc, Sofia, Ella.." Mama went around the room introducing everyone and finally stopped in front of me. I didn't really look at Abby as you know I'm still avoiding her "And you of course know Willow." Mama said as didn't say anything, just went and put waffles on a plate. I sat down at the dining table as everyone did the same, getting their own plates. I felt someone whack the back of my head. I was above to hit back when I saw it was Bella "Respect the guest or there is more where that came from" she told me in a hush tone but Nia next to me heard it and started chuckling.

My mom made Abigail sit down and then got her a plate. "Why are moms being so...Hospitable to her?" I asked Nia, confused. She just shrugged while drinking her coffee.

"Ok so there are 2 rules. No. 1 you got to be present for breakfast which is at 10 am and No. 2 you share a room with someone. So I hope you don't mind sharing a room with Willow?" Mama said.

This caught my attention and I looked at Abby hoping she would say she would mind but she just looked at my moms shaking her head as she said "If it's a rule then of course not and Thank You for inviting me"

"Of course we would invite you. Your Andy's family" Mom said.

Mama looked at me with a smirk as if she had won the argument. Kill me already, how am I supposed to ignore her while sharing a room with her..

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