Chapter 10

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Abigail's POV

Opening my eyes I saw I was on a bed. That's when it hit me. I was with Willow and we were kidnapped. I tried to get up but my head and chest were hurting really bad. That's when I saw Willow walking out of some door in just a towel. She dropped it and started to get dressed. I spotted a tattoo on her hip but could not see what it said clearly. I should close my eyes, but i don't know why I can't. She wore her lingerie and loose pants then turned around.

"Oh you're awake." She said as I pretend I didn't just watch her get dressed.

"Yeah. Where are we?" I asked trying to sit up but it hurt to even move.

"When we crashed you-" she was helping me sit up putting a pillow behind me. Her breasts were right in my face. I could touch it if I stick my tongue out. WHICH ABIGAIL YOU'RE NOT GOING TO DO! I didn't even hear what she was saying till she sat back down. "A villager found us on the beach and got us here. This is his and his wife's house."

"Oh ok" I said nodding like I heard everything she said "Why does it feel like a-a truck went over my body?"

"I just told you. You hit your head when we crashed knocking you out. You had stopped breathing so I had to perform CPR. Doctor says the crash and CPR after that might have caused you to bruise your rib bones. Other than that you're fine. Just need rest."

"Sorry I was distracted" By your breasts in my FACE! She gave me a glass of water and tablet's "They are painkillers. They will help with the pain" I would even take poison at this time if that would take the pain away. "Rest I'm going to go get something to eat for you." She said wearing a t-shirt that was too big for her as she left the room.

Press is going to eat this up. My first trip and I get myself kidnapped. Willow is just full of surprises. She knows Italian, Spanish, and how to use a gun. Ok to be fair I also know how to use a gun but that's because my dad taught me how to use the gun. How was she so cool headed when we got kidnapped? And flying a plane? How does she know that?

She came back 10 minutes later but this time she wasn't alone. There was an old lady with her. She gave me a bowl of rice and chicken gravy. "This is Coco her husband, found us" she said sat. I shook Coco's hand whining a little as moving was hurtful.

"Thank you ma'am for helping us and letting us stay here" I said with a smile and she nodded. She wasn't saying anything. She looked at Willow confused. Willow smiled and started talking in some language I had never heard. What the fuck! How many languages does this bitch know?

The lady smiled and said something to Willow then left.

"What was that?" I asked her, confused.

"Oh she doesn't know English." She said shrugging as she then took the bowl from me and started to feed me.

"It's ok I can feed myself."

"Stop being a drama queen. Lifting your hand made you whine. Just eat" she said with a spoonful of rice in front of my mouth. I reluctantly ate it.

"Willow be honest, No various skills bullshit. How many languages do you know? And how? Why?" I asked as she fed me another spoon.

"well let's see. I'm multilingual so I know a few languages." She said before I could say anything she fed me another spoonful. "Coco's husband Arthur is asking around trying to see if anyone has a Sat Phone. Apparently there was a storm last night. It knocked out the antenna tower."

"What does that mean?" I said taking another bite.

"Well that means either we wait till the Antenna tower is back up, which I don't know might take weeks or wait 2 days for the supply truck to come and go to the city with Arthur and call someone there." She said as she fed me the last bite.

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